Tour de’ Nature – Bell Style!

  • When: October 15th, 2018
  • QIC: Earhart
  • The PAX: Billy, Ausfarht, Kubota, Pickles, WWW, Ezekiel, Monkey Nut, Pet Sounds, Theismann, Trike, The Joker, Bartman, Intimidator, Sour Mash, Red Ryder, Clementine, FNG: Ummagumma,  YHC Earhart

Checking the night before none of esteemed HIM had signed up to Q this great AO so I had to check the Q Bible on what to do.  Rule #713:  When no one signs up to Q, the responsibility falls on the Site Q to pick it up.  Since my co-site-Q has been absent over the past month or two, I figured it would be me.  So, anyway, I have a general idea of what to do so I feel mostly ready.  17 HIM show-up in the gloom, after Cheddar Bo opens the gate a little late (I bet it was locked at A-Team).  Trike has brought in an FNG!  We start with the Pledge allegiance at the flag then mosey around the pickle before circling up for:

Warm Up

Good mornings

Cotton Pickers


Imperial Walkers


The Thang

Done with the warm-up, each PAX is instructed an appropriate weighted kettlebell for some mosey around the Park, yes Kubota got the 45lb.  We start by heading to the back of the parking lot with the bell over head to the round-about in the back.  There we drop the bells, do a little Michael Phelps to loosen-up the shoulders and arms.  Q calls for some pain around the circle, with alternating between 10 curls, 10 tricep-extensions, 10 overhead presses.  Repeat all the way around the circle, dropping the bell for more Michael Phelps.  One more time around the circle with the same cadence and counts.

Finished going in circles, we head to the back shelter, lunge walking with the bell until you are in the shelter and have lined up to a bench.  Everyone lined up, we start with 10 up-count left handed lawn-mowers, switching to 10 right-handed to balance it out.  Drop the bell out of the way and off the bench for a round of left-right step ups and table-top irkins.  One more round of all the above then we head to the amphitheater.

With a set of stairs in front of us, we perform a man-maker per step (essentially a squat to a curl to an overhead press to a tricep extension.  Finishing all the steps we line up on a handy wall for dips and dirkins before heading over to the stage.

On the stage, we perform two rounds of kettlebell swings and goblet squats, 10-count each and then finish with a mosey over to the pull-bars, with alternating around-the-worlds between the stage and the bars.

At the bars, we line-up to our favorite bar height and perform 5 pull-ups of different handholds including regular, left inside-outside, right inside-outside, curls, and finishing with wide grip.  Some of the HIM performed their own workout during the pullups, glad to see Freed-to-lead!!

Time to head back to the flag so we mosey over to the hill and under-leg lunge walk up the hill and to the lower parking lot, circling up for:


We did 15-count rounds with the bells of:

Freddie Mercuries in cadence

American Hammers in cadence

LBCs in cadence

Finishing with some Jaylos.


Bell tolls 6:15 and time to finish.


Count-a-rama:  18 PAX


  • Odyssey CSAUP this Saturday, 5:45am at St. Mary Magdeline’s
  • Carpex F3 and FIA Triple-Down CSAUP November 17th, 6:00 AM Bond Park
  • New, limited-run AO opening Tuesday @ Scott’s Mill (see Slack for details)

It was an honor to lead you men this morning.

See also