Tortoises Comes To A-Team

The plan this morning was to bring a Tortoises style workout to A-team.  Limited running, unlimited pain.  So we moseyed to the first parking lot at the front of the park and stayed there for the entire workout.

Warm Up

Little Man Jumping Jacks x 15

Jukebox x 15 (created by and named for my 2.0)

Imperial Walker x 15

Cotton Pickers x 15


Thang 1

Partner up for Dora 1-2-3, merkins x 100, prisoner squats x 200, LBCs x 300, one partner runs the pickle while the other does the exercises.


Thang 2

Dirty Dozen, bear crawl from one island to the next, burpees x 11, lunge walk back, 1 WWII sit-up.  We only made it about half way through, so you can expect to see this again soon.



WWW called low slow flutters, Black Out called Dirty Dogs



Count-a-rama:  35


F3 Dads at Bond Park, 09:00, 26AUG2017

9/11 Stair Climb 06:00 at Carter-Finley Stadium

CSAUP Odyssey at Bond Park, 06:00, 06OCT2017



For those who aren’t familiar with Tortoises, it is the only limited running AO in Carpex.  We meet Wednesday mornings at 5:30.  Like this morning’s workout it takes place in a single parking lot, and like this morning’s workout it is tough, even without the running and all the bells and whistles other AOs have.  It’s an excellent workout whether you’re coming off injury, you don’t like running, or you just want to add some variety to your week.  Check it out.

Thanks for letting me lead a large group of HIM, and special thanks to the Tortoises crew for their support and encouragement.

See also