
Date: 11/17/2021

13 posted at #ao-wed-tortoisess

We had no HIM step up to sign up and Q on the Q Sheet. So, I being the Site Q called a Cluster Q. What’s awesome about this format is everyone working out gets the opportunity to work on calling out the exercise, calling out the cadence, and leading the men through it (mini Q School). Also, the PAX has no clue what their Brother is going to call until they call it. Believe me, and the PAX can back me up, they were all good ones. I was spent afterwards.

We were able to recharge with some freshly brewed coffee.

Life is a blessing when you are afforded by a higher power to wake up, get out into the gloom and break bread with these awesome HIMs.

Love these men!!! I’m proud to be part of this Brotherhood.

We had a hard discussion about mental battle and how we are here but we cannot help unless you open up. Opening up is not a sign of weakness. As a matter of fact, it’s bravery. We are always here for you. It just takes you to be brave and take that first step. We will catch you and provide the needed support to help you through it.

Be brave men and trust a Brother to be there for you.

COR: 13

NOR: @Bootlegger, @Ausfaht, @Bolton, @Meat Loaf, @Bubba, @Roasters, @The Joker @eHarmony, @Greenbow, @Plunger, @PVC, @Sega (@WWW Q)

See also