Top 40, Baby!

Cool & crisp at FOD this fine morning!

Ten HIMs gathered – No FNGs, only familiar faces.  F3 intro given & we started with the pledge & moved out to a close-by parking lot.  Shut-In let me know that I’m the 39th Q he has graced his presence with this year to date – I’m so honored that I finally make the top-40!  With that, we rolled into:

The Warm Up

Circle up for good mornings, windmills, SSH, calf-stretch merkins, mountain climbers, etc.

Thang 1

I need to get better at pull-ups, so we did pull-ups.  Counted down by 2’s from 20 reps with alternating short run for CDDs & bear crawls…. So, it was 20 pull-ups, CDDs, 18 pull-ups, bear crawl, 16 pull-ups, CDDs, etc.  Good work!

Mosey to soccer field for side plank star crunch – good times!

Thang 2

Classic 7’s on the soccer field – burpees in one corner, merkins on the other – simple.  Shut-in got angry & lapped the field – solid work! 

Head to the flag for some Mary – LBCs, Homer-to-Marge, Supermans, HAND.


  • Count-o-rama – 10 strong
  • Name-o-rama -  2 respect, 8 meh
  • Announcements
    • Danger Zone stations of the cross – Good Friday workout this Friday morning.
    • F3 Dad’s camp sign up is live
    • May 31 Carpex Anniversary – looking for 100 total posting pax across the region
    • Carpex Dad’s Saturday @ Bond Park
    • Hares – rebooting to be high-tempo with training wheels
  • Praises & Prayers
    • Safe travels to all those spring-breaking
      • Beaker reminded us that life is short – Durham explosion & Notre Dame fires are stark reminders
      • Unsaid prays on everyone’s minds

I was honored to take the group out of CoT –  I’m honored to be part of it.

See also