Today in History!

Themes make everything better, so today we paired the workout with events in history that happened on May 29th.

in 1922 The Supreme Court ruled that baseball is not subject to Antitrust laws, so we moseyed to the baseball to warm up…

  • 1975-Scary Spice was born (historical significance is still under review) so we did Side Straddle Hops
  • 1953-Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay (thanks sky blue for the additional fact) reached the top of Mt. Everest.  In their honor we did mountain climbers
  • 1903 - Bob Hope was born, so we did bobhopees (burpees)
  • added some Good Mornings because…well you know

Mosey to the rock pile to celebrate Rhode Island becoming the 13th state to ratify the constitution in 1790.  So let’s do 13s with rock row(de)s and star jumps (islands remind me of starfish…and yes I know this is a stretch)

Head to the field to learn that in 1900 the trademark for the escalator  was registered by the Otis Escalator Company.  We did an escalating OTIS of 10 Overhead claps, 20 T-Merkins, 30 Inch Worms, and 40 Squats.

Next we honored Jay Leno’s last night on the tonight show in 2009 after 17 years with 17 Chin-Ups

1911 the first Indy 500 was run, we did a quick dora with a run around the oval and 500 american hammers

2010 - Dennis Hopper died and the first movie that popped in my head that I could also loosely associate with a workout was Hoosiers, so we headed to the basketball court to learn that in 1999 the Space Shuttle Discovery completed the first dock with the Intl Space Station.  We did Shuttle runs while our partner performed Carolina Dry Docks

Circle up to learn that in 1848 Wisconsin became the 30th state, we decided that a badger is sort of like a wolverine (but according to @hi-liter, not as strong) so we did wolverines without the extra push-ups.  Badgers will fight to their death, so the goal was 30, but many of us died (AMRAP).

1917 - JFK was born, we did John to Marilyns (Homer to Marge)

Final lesson was that Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453, so we did 1,453 turkish get ups (or 20, the rain clouded my memory).

See also