Tobacco Road Aftermath

15 HIM gathered under starlit skies to welcome the new week. 5 of us were (are) recovering from either running or rucking the Tobacco Road Half Marathon, so YHC had a special recovery edition planned. The theme featured plenty of Broga to loosen us up, and a few traditional bootcamp moves to keep everything moving.

Round up the PAX for the pledge (YHC was a little disoriented but eventually got redirected to the flag…)


Mosey to the basketball court for warmups: Good Morning, Imperial Walkers, Calf-Stretch/Merkin combo-pack, SSH

The Thang:

Sun salutation - Mountain Pose, Reach for the Sky, Swan Dive, Halfback, Plank, 6-inch Hold, UpDog/Cobra, Downward Dog, Right Leg Extend, Runner Pose, Forward reach, Warrior 1. Repeat-left side. 10 Burpees, OYO.

Mosey around path to upper parking lot: Balance poses - Chair Pose for 10 count around the circle, Tree pose. 10 Burpees, OYO.

Mosey rest of the path back to basketball court. Sun salutation with extended 6-inch holds and modified triangle pose. Quad stretch. 10 Burpees, OYO.

Mosey the pickle - karaoke R/L, backwards run; 10 Burpees OYO

Mary: Freddie Mercs, LBCs, 100’s, Boxcutters, Have a Nice Day.



  • The Carying Place (TCP) inaugural launch for this season was a success; knocked out 5 yards in 1 hour followed by 2ndF at Bond Bros. Watch for upcoming editions on Slack and join in giving back to our community - 2 hour commitment includes 2ndF at Bond Bros!
  • Always remember to reach out to PAX we haven’t seen in a while - challenge issued for everyone to reach out to one person this week. New tool in the works to alert us when PAX haven’t posted in 2 weeks.


  • Parker’s FIL Dave dealing with scary diagnosis, possible bone/metastatic cancer
  • Christchurch, NZ and healing for families and community; end to such hatred


  • As always, thank you for the opportunity to lead…especially outside of the comfort zone doing some Broga. It was a much needed stretch post race!

See also