Tire Races


15 crushers for some tire flip / farmer’s carry, merkin, Indian walk mania carrying the baby coupon.

QIC divided the Brothers up into two teams. Each team will flip a tire one way up the pickle until you reach the other end of the parking lot. Each HIM will flip 5 times and then step away to do 5 diamond merkins and get to the back of the line until its their turn again until you reach the end of the parking lot. Losers do burpees. Repeato the opposite direction this time doing standard merkins. Repeato this time doing wide-grip merkins. Repeaton doing Ranger merkins.

COR: 15

NOR: Respects, mehs


Blessed to be out there with these HIMs!!!

We got word of some bad news about our South Cary Brother F3 Higgins. WE pray for his family for their loss.

There is a reason why F3 is about picking up the 6. It’s not just in the workout setting, it’s also with LIFE. Do not let emotion or the fear of looking weak open up to a Brother. Being vulnerable and reaching out is being MAN especially if you need help. We are NOT here to judge. WE are here for all our Brothers!!!

If you are struggling and this backblast is speaking to you at a deeper level, PLEASE reach out to one of us. We are here to help you through those tough times. It’s an obstacle in life that can be overcome with fellowship.


See also