Tiny Black pellets forever

Atmosphere:  Damp and 40 degrees

I noticed the gate open on the lacrosse field, so I immediately thought about revising my initial baseball field sprints, which could be sloppy (I know how you kids like it EXTRA schloppy).  Long story short, the field turf is like a sponge and we enjoyed sitting in the soak to have some Mary.  Although, we did get on the field, Smokey thought mid way through the post we might have a city worker shake us down.  Cheddar Bo did not have the energy while prowling around the grounds.

Also, it was great receiving meals during the new parent drive.  Thank you all for the meals during the first three weeks of Fatherhood.  It helped navigate the stress of evening chaos.  Khakis and Sour Mash posted so the Rubbermaid containers are now officially in the hands of the rightful owners.


Good mornings and Std Stretching

Thang #1

The Pax ran over to the elementary school which is about .5 miles from Hunter Street park for some Cindy.  (10 minutes of Cindy)

  • 5 x pull ups
  • 10 x merkins (thanks Khakis, called these push ups, rookie error)
  • 15 x squats

Everyone probably got 7-8 sets completed.

Then we ran back to the field to get some not so dry work in.

Thang #2

We gathered on the lacrosse field to perform some partner AMRAP sprints.  Partner one is doing exercises, while partner two sprints 50 yards and moseys back to Partner #1.  We did the following exercises.

  1. BTTW
  2. American Hammers
  3. CDD
  4. Jump Squats
  5. Diamond Merkins
  6. Jump Lunges
  7. Something else…..

The workout was completed by a BLIMP on the soccer field which we did backwards.  So, instead of 5 burpees, we did 30 burpees.  So the progression was the opposite of the norm.

30 burpees, 25 lunges, 20 imperial walkers, 15 merkins, 10 plank jacks, 5 squats



  • Give toys for tots today to a site Q
  • Signup for the Christmas party (Carpex)


  • Mother of one of the PAX
  • Unemployment

Have a good evening guys, thanks for allowing me to post with you today.

See also