Tin 2 Iron Challenge

Tuesday of this week, the HIM that had signed up to Q posted on Slack that he was on the injured reserve list. The call went out and another HIM had stepped up to Q the workout. Wednesday evening the backup Q had a 2.0 that was sick and out of precaution didn’t want to possibly spread to the PAX. The call went out for a backup to the backup. If nobody stepped up, there were discussions that it would be a cluster Q. In order to avoid a cluster F, YHC stepped up at the last minute to the Q spot.

I wanted to come up with a workout that challenges the PAX. It is a you-vs-you challenge. Don’t worry about what anybody else is doing or where they are on the list. Focus on doing reps WITH GOOD FORM. If it takes 45 minutes to get through the first round, then so be it. This was the initial version of the challenge so it will be used as a baseline. This challenge is designed to be run every few months to see how the PAX is progressing. There is NO WAY to finish this in 45 minutes. It’s not designed to. I wanted to document it in a true backblast, so it will live on forever versus the temporary form on Slack. It also means that any HIM can step up and run this workout.

Warmup - The pledge of allegiance. THAT WAS IT. I wanted to maximize the suck factor workout. In a normal Q, I prefer to start off talking DiCCS. It stands for Disclaimer, CPR (who is trained in it incase it is needed), Cellphone (who has theirs ON them during the workout, and not in the car.), Safety (modify as needed, if traveling away from AO, where we’re going, etc.). There were no FNGs, we weren’t leaving the parking lot, and my cell phone was on the sidewalk playing music during the workout, so I don’t feel terrible that I had skipped the important DiCCS talk.

The CHALLENGE Thang - For the lap rounds, the runners mosey around the far island, the walkers go around the middle island

  1. Calf raises on the curb – 200
  2. Lap
  3. Squats – 100
  4. Lap
  5. LBC – 200
  6. Lap
  7. Burpees – 50
  8. Lap
  9. Merkins – 100
  10. Lap
  11. Step ups (picnic table) – 100
  12. Lap
  13. Side straddle hops – 150
  14. Lap
  15. Jump Squats – 100
  16. Lap
  17. Shoulder Taps – 100
  18. Lap
  19. Mountain Climbers – 150
  20. Lap
  21. Flutter Kicks – 150
  22. Lap
  23. Lunges – 100
  24. Lap
  25. Air Press – 200
  26. Lap
  27. Box Cutter – 100
  28. Lap
  29. Carolina Dry Dock – 100
  30. Lap
  31. American Hammer – 150
  32. Lap
  33. Seal Clap – 200
  34. Lap
  35. Burpees – 50
  36. Lap

Results -

Bolton was on flutter kicks (#21). There were some skips modifications to the list

Ausfaht was getting ready to start jump squats (#15)

WWW finished steps ups (#11)

Intimidator was on shoulder taps (#17)

eHarmony finished the lap after shoulder taps (#18)

Mary - She did not make an appearance at this workout. 45 minutes of the challenge work!

COT - 1 Honor, 2 Respects, 2 meh

Naked Moleskin - YHC was honored to lead this group of fine men (and Bolton) through this suck fest beatdown. The crew got after it. The mumble chatter was strong. I may be a little (ok a lot) twisted, but complaints are music to my Q ears. It means the PAX is out of their comfort zone and being challenged. This was a challenging workout that I’m sure we will feel for a couple days.

100% attendance for coffeeteria. Great conversations / laughs.

Bolton discussed his love of slow drivers in minivans and North Korean kids beating him in cyberspace.

If leftovers are old enough to throw away, they likely end up in Ausfaht’s lunchbox.

If the new business doesn’t work out for WWW, he’ll focus his energy on becoming a sous sushi chef. Highly recommended the gas station sushi

Intimidator rocked this workout!

Prayers & Praises -

  • Nobars (NY PAX Bolton knows) is in 3rd stages of his chemo treatment
  • Support for Higgins and his family. The information for his celebration of life is in Slack (COT Announcements). It’s Saturday. I’m not going to distribute all the details in a public (world wide) forum such as this for respect for his family
  • Bootlegger - was the one who was supposed to originally Q. He is on injured reserve and had to hand off the Q spot. Get better soon
  • WWW - starting up a new venture.

Announcements -

  • Carpex Challenge is up. See Slack
  • F3 Raleigh is celebrating their 10 year anniversary. See Slack
  • Schlitz is Qing on Saturday at his new location. Clown cars will be headed down. See slack for details
  • 3rd F Challenge is also on Slack
  • Duck Donut Dash is coming up. See Slack

As always MIAGD!

See also