Time trials and tribulations


14 showed up for some high-tempo action and 4 to grab a bruisers beatdown. YHC was set out to prove that you don’t have to go far to go fast.

And we’re back…


  • Run around the well-lit school grounds and circle up for SSH, Arm Circles and Overhead Clap
  • Find some curb for QF, CM, MC x3

The Thang:

  • Make our way across the street to the tennis park lots
  • Get a partner with 10 min on the clock for AMRAP Burpees and Pickle Running
  • When done we found that curb again for the QF, CM, MC trifecta
  • Make the move back across the street and find another well-lit lot.
  • Get a partner with 10 min on the clock for AMRAP Squats and Pickle Running
  • Make the announcement that all pax are getting coffee on YHC after the beatdown - the place goes WILD!!!
  • Get the Pax moving again and over to the other lot for circle of pain lead by Parker, Biner, Banjo and Michelob on Merkins, Squats, LBCs and Lunges (10-to-1)
  • We’ve got just enough time for a series of sprint before the Mary train pulls into town


  • 100s, dying roaches, LBC, WWII, series of planks, another round of 100s… and we’re done

Announcements out and prayers/praises lifted


  • Honored to lead. Have a great Christmas, men, your boy is headed North until the 30th. MIAGD and GBA!!!

See also