Time to Get a Little Spooky

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Finally making it back to Slippery When Wet to pay Q respect to the site Q who bailed me out 6 weeks ago… when my 2.1 was born! I’ve been back to SWW once in the last 6 weeks, but I’m ready to execute at least part of the plan that I had half-hatched for that fateful day… with a spin.

After all, today is Friday the 13th.



Mosey out toward Lochmere and stop at the greenway parking lot.

13 each of

GM Hillbilly Overhead Clap SFAC Tempo Merkins

Mosey to Lochmere and Indian Run up to Crescent Green.

Break formation, make a left, and turn off into the lot on the left. Final warm-up of a lungewalk-bearcrawl-lungewalk across the lot toward the hidden garage…

When I think of spooky things, spider webs come to mind… so starting at the bottom of the hidden garage, do the first set of [spooky] Jack Webbs, run to the top, do the second set, run to the bottom… until we hit 13/52.

Webbicides in the bottom of the parking deck… but my arms needed a break, so first we’ll do jump squats. 1 at the first pillar (or whatever Hermes said it actually is called), back to start, 2 at the 2nd… and so on to 6. Repeato, but back to the original plan of merkins… starting with 7 and working toward 12. Plank hold for the six… and knock out 13 merkins for good measure.

Run back out to the bottom lot, paint some lines and then circle up for a bit of Mary. 13 each of Freddy Mercs, LBCs IC, Box Cutters, WW2s. Back on your feet, and lets find the hidden trail. Grab a rock… JK they are pebbles. Backdoor into Ritter Park.

BTTW with a 13 count down the line at the baseball fields.

Back to the flag for 13 Burpees OMD. The PAX were hopefully sufficiently spooked by this point.

Have a Nice Day and that’s it!


COR - 3 Respects, 6 Mehs, 1 HATE



See Shank’s post regarding helping the Whalen family acquire a vehicle.

F3 Dads Carpex event - June 1. 10 spots available. See Hermes.

F3 Dads ENC event - August something - see Twitter.


Prayer Requests

Hi-Liter’s Dad

YHC took us out.



Joe Smith - still owe you for grabbing the Q back in March.

We did something like 364 airpresses. Ouch.

I wanted to paint the lines on that entire bottom lot… but definitely chickened out. I was the spooked one today apparently.

It probably became evident in the last 15 minutes that I was stalling… I was mostly leaning on the novelty of backdooring Ritter Park for that part.

These guys out here turning SWW into a premier AO what with there EC runs and post-workout coffees.

Something precipitated jokes about a cat the whole time… which I didn’t mind because I am a cat man. And it’s Friday the 13th, so I just imagined it being a black cat, so I was good with it.

Today was partially inspired by the circumstances leading to YHC being named Jigglypuff - I figured that my black cat’s name (which happens to also be a spooky Pokémon), Haunter, was a good moniker, so I tried to name myself that. Obviously the PAX went in a different direction, and picked a more different Pokémon. #noragrets

When is the last time you attended a workout that kicked off with some Tubular Bells? #RIPgladiator

See also