Time is relative

We started within the 5:30 minute window.

Side Straddle Hops
Good Mornings
Tin Soldiers - (yes those hammies were tight)
Sir Fasio Arm Circles (forward)
Overhead claps
Sir Fasio Arm Circles (backwards)
Merkins (no recover)
Calf Stretch - one side only
Mountain Climbers
Now the other Calf Stretch
More Merkins and then Recover

Mosey to Apex UMC lot and split into 3 groups for stations as groups
Station 1 - Squats
Station 2 - Merkins (first round), LBC (second round)
Station 3 - 5 Burpees and then run the loop to station 1
Groups change stations when the Burpee group gets to station 1 for 2 full rotations

Mosey to the end of S Elm St at the sketchy “Sports Massage” place for the start of our 5, 10, 15, 20 count of exercises at each street back to Chatham St.
First round: 5 - World’s Worst Merkin, 10 - Peter Parker Merkin (supposed to be left/right was 1), 15 - CDDs, 20 - Ranger Merkins
Second Round: 5 - Apollo Onos, 10 - Lunges (L/R is 1), 15 - Side Lunges (L/R is 1), 20 - Squat Jumps
Third Round: 5 - Freddy Mercury, 10 - American Hammers (L/R is 1), 15 - Dying Cockroach, 20 - LBC

Oh Crap! It’s almost 6:15 so All you got down the alley back to the flag and begin Count-O-Rama as the six comes in to attempt finishing as close to on time as possible. (Sorry Saban).

Announcements: Blood Drive on 1/23 at the Cary YMCA; Anyone interested in taking over as site Q at DTP reach out to Hamm; Taking over as site Q is a great way to ensure you post.

Prayer Requests: Crimson’s MIL

See also