Time Hack

4 men; Build a Bear, Banjo, Skipper, Ezekiel.

15 minute time hack to the library, 1 mile away carrying 8” pain stick; not your ordinary pain stick. The men crushed it at 13:21. No penalty.

At the library bear crawl to the midsection, 10 merkins with pack on, bear crawl to the library door, 10 merkins with pack on. At the door, flutter kicks while Build a Bear shares information about his airplane then overhead presses while Skipper talks about his GoRuck Star Course adventure last weekend. Bear crawl to the start of the sidewalk with decline merkins at the midway point with pack on and 10 merkins with pack on at the end. Flutter kicks while Ezekiel and YHC talk about their kids. Lunge walk to pickle, 10 deep squats.

Grab coupon and head back to the flag, we again crushed the 1 mile with 15 minute time hack in 13:41. Coupon secured behind power box next to sand volleyball courts. Circle up for COT led by Grand Torino Q Squatter.


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