Time Flys.

Over the past five years, my life has undergone a remarkable transformation since “joining” F3. 

It all began with a chance encounter in my neighborhood, where I was minding my own business, on a walk on one of the greenways when a stranger approached, asking if I was with them. Perplexed, I inquired, “Who are you?” He hastily explained what F3 was, and as I headed home after my walk that morning, where I couldn’t shake off the feeling that it might be some sort of cult! 

The turning point occurred during chance encounters with Michelob at Aldi and Swag at White Oak Coffee. These encounters sparked my curiosity, leading me to Google, where my initial skepticism turned into intrigue. Despite my reservations, I couldn’t ignore the potential that F3 held for me.

A few months passed as I silently observed the group online and in my neighborhood. Eventually, on a cold January 7th morning, I mustered the courage to venture out on my own. 

What I found was a community that welcomed me with open arms. The camaraderie was instant, and the soreness only lasted a few days! I was fortunate enough to partner up with the Carpex OG/legend “CK”,  and I was named the one and only Build A Bear as he had the Q. 

Since that day, F3 has played a pivotal role in shaping me into a better man, father, husband, and friend.

The impact of F3 extended beyond physical fitness, as the bonds formed within the group enriched every facet of my life. As I reflect on these transformative years, I can confidently say that F3 contributed significantly to my personal growth and well-being.  Some might also say a runner too!   

Here is to the next 5 years. 

16 HIM came out this morning to get some.

This is what we did:

Warm up — first parking lot. 

  • SSH 

  • Overhead claps 

  • Seal clap 

  • Sir Fazios 

  • Michael Phelps

  • Merkins

  • Runners Stretch

Thang 1 mozy to Powerline Hill for 5’s 

  • LBC & star jumps

Thang 2: mozy to shelter — partner dora around pickle 

  • 100 - squats 

  • 200 - left right step ups

  • 300 - derkins

Thang 3: mozy to parking lot

  • bear crawl 3 lines 

  • lunge walk 3 lines 

  • crab walk 3 lines

  • lunge walk 3 lines

Thang 4: Mozy to bridge

  • Dips

  • Incline merkins 

Mozy to Flag for Mary 

  • Homer to Marge

  • Scuba Buddha 

  • American Hammers


See also