Time flies when your in a beatdown.

Date: 12/10/19

PAX: FNG Side Out, Theismann, Traffic Cone, Sixteen Steve’s, Bartman, Wahoo, Yahoo, Imp, How How, Chicken Little, Slim Shady, Bobby Boucher, Deuce, The Commish, Big Red, Hamm, QWERTY, WWW.

I had a plan going into DTP. Sometimes, the plan does not always pan out. So, modify as needed. Read on to know what else I had in mind but could not get to. Next time!

FNG in the group. F3 quiz on mission, creed and core values. Once the administrator was done we Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory. Off we go into the gloom with a light mosey to DPW parking lot at the bottom of the hill.

Warm-up: GM, Sir Fazio, calf stretch, shoulder stretch.

Mosey to hill for the thang:

Thang 1:

Merkin / Burpee Ladder (20 merkins run to top of the hill (second light pole), 19 merks run back to start, etc. until all has completed 1 merk.

Time flies when your having fun.

Mosey to cemetery road for thang 2:

ABCs (leg lift position, draw the letters of the alphabet to Z)

2 lines to Indian run back to the flag.

At the flag we had enough time to do squat ankle touch, Eskimo Merkins and have a nice day.


Christmas Party

Imp announced his church is displaying Nativity scenes (40 countries represented). Deets on Slack.


6-Man: Imp - he has always been in team sports and since graduating from high school, he did not get much of that. Working out alone was not providing the drive needed to stay motivated. F3 provides the motivation and the camaraderie he is looking for. He also appreciates the fellowship and faith aspect of F3.

Welcome FNG Side Out! Great to see you out in the gloom. Great job Theismann for EH’ing him.

Time flies when your having fun in a beatdown. I had other things planned to spell out MASH UP. You ain’t DTP if your not mashing it up. Original routine: what we got done - Merkin/Burpee Ladder, ABC, squat ankle touch. What we did not get done - Heels to heaven, Uptown Crawl (new exercise I came up with to try on the PAX), and plank destroyer.

It’s always a blessing to lead a workout and just to fellowship and faith you HIMs!

55 of 52 Q opportunities. It’s such a blessing to wake up and do an F3 workout.

See also