Time Flies


Shout out to @Largemouth for helping YHC out…needed to lock in a post and Q at THE finest high-tempo bootcamp AO at Kokabooth on a Monday. T Claps to the new dad!


9 PAX showed up to see time fly. No time for chatter…right?

The Warmup

- Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag - Mixed run around the parking lot (5x) - Wide grip 6" hold merkins, abe vigoda, SSH, wide grip 6" hold merkins, LBC, mountain climbers, wide grip 6" hold merkins

The Thang

- Bataan Death March: last person does 3 Wolverines, pax runs, last guy catches the group, taps last guy, continues on to the front of the line. Stop at the base of the hill. - Ascending Light Pole Pursuit: run between the poles up the hill stopping for alternating 20 JackAss Merkins (merkin + donkey kick) and 20 Star Jumps. - Descending Light Pole Pursuit: run between the poles down the hill stopping for alternating 20 Jump Squats and 20 Crab Cakes. - Run the lake trail (the long way) stopping for the 6 and at light poles for 20+ Mary (LBC, Dying Cockroach, Freddie Merk, etc.). - End up at the flag for Mary after logging 2.8 miles.


- Side Plank Star Crunch


See also