Time can sneak up quick if fun is to be had

AO: Mash

Date: 8/14/20

PAX: Beaker, Bolt On, Dirty Bomb, Five Hole, Greenbow, Kidney Stone, Pom Pom, WWW,

So glad Dirty Bomb and Five Hope reached out to me because it slipped my memory that I had the Mash Q.

However, I’m always ready to Q anytime, any place, anywhere. I got to the AO early to develop a workout while I wait for the PAX to arrive.

0600 start. Asked the PAX to recite the F3 Mission and it was not correct … merkins on YHC’s down. However, they did get the core values and credo correct. Moving on. Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory and then off on our slow mosey to our starting point. Warm-up: 1 real slow GM, Sir Fazio, overhead clap, Moroccan Night, and seal claps. Next was plank jacks.

QIC directed the PAX to select a coupon (non-traveling).

Thang 1: Dora

Anvils x100

Rock curls x200

Presses x300

Partner 2 does bear crawls to 1st island and then lunge walks to light and returns.

There was a lot of mumble chatter and moaning but we all completed the task.

Mosey back to flag for thang 2.

Thang 2: Light pole to light pole for two rounds

Sumo squats x20

Chill cut plank jacks x10IC

Lunge f/b x10IC

Mosey back to flag with 1 minute to spare. Unfortunately, we could not do any Mary because QIC/YHC lost track of time. Have a nice day!


NOR: Respect x2 and Mehs x6

Announcements: F3 10 year, Carpex Odyssey.

Prayers/Praises: Chewie’s back surgery, marriages, children safety as they go back to school.


A watch is handy to stay on track. Luckily, Beaker had a watch and called out 2 mins left. Thanks Beaker for keeping us on track.

I’m so blessed to be out in the gloom with men who push hard to accelerate Thank you for working out with me.

See also