"Time and tide wait for no man" - G. Chaucer

Additionally, time doesn’t wait for the Q either.  And while I was well aware of the start time, once we started, I forgot we ended at 6:15, not 6:30.  I’m going to blame it on the rain.

It actually wan’t too bad this morning.  Light drizzle, not heavy downpour and warmish temps.  As you can imagine, nobody got dehydrated.  It’s 5:30 so off we went.  Light warm up jog to the loading dock where we:  (reps are approximate)

11 x SSH

11 x Sir Fazio arm circles (forward)

11 x Sir Fazio arm circles (backwards)

11 x Good Mornings

11 x Cotton Pickers

11 x Merkins, on my down, holding on the 5th down for an individual PAX selected 10 count (everyone loves that one)

Now that everyone is warmed up, a quick scoot around the corner and break up into pairs.  One guy does balls to the wall, partner two runs the pickle, then flip flop.  We do another round with People’s chair, and another round with Balls to the Wall.

Excellent, we are all really warmed up now!  As I am directionally challenged, at this point, I ask Shank to lead us to the track.  Everybody loves the track!

Let’s do a little Dora 1,2,3.

100 merkins

200 star jumps

300 LBC’s

While that nonsense is going on, partner 2 zips across the field to the other side and run around the curve back to where we are doing Dora.  Hey look, Asystole has joined us!  Dude, 5:30 means 5:30!

At this point, it’s about 6 after 6 and I’m wondering why we are zipping through all these Thangs.  Mainly because I thought we went to 6:30, *not* 6:15.  Time to improvise to fill time.

We leave the track, jog up the hill, and hit the basketball court for a little “stop-and-go”.  The PAX line up on one side and we go.  I yell “change” and we stop and start running backwards, “change” and we stop and start running forwards.  “Finish” and we run to the other side.  I give a few other PAX a taste of the power to make a change.  Everyone loves it!

Leave the court and run up the hill.  Now it’s time to bear crawl and lunge walk.  Bear Crawl to one side of the parking lot, 5 merkins, lunge walk back, 4 merkins, bear crawl to other side, 3 merkins, lunge walk back, 2 merkins, bear crawl to other side, 1 merkin, lunge walk and finished.

I look at my watch.  Time is just not moving.  I want to introduce “the up and over” but to kill a little time we take the long way ‘round and attempt a Gladiator fly by.  Alas, they are huddled together under the shelter.  I think I could hear singing and a guitar.  We ran through the parking lot, wet, sweaty, in the rain, in indian run formation, doing 5 merkin “catch-me-if-you-cans”.  Unnoticed.

Thinking we had time, I lead the PAX to The Hill.  I think they had a lot of leftover dirt from building he school so they piled it all up in one place and grew grass on it.  I explained “the Up-And-Over” to the PAX.  You go up the hill, over the top, down the other side and do 10 burpies.  Then you go back up the hill, over the top, down the side you started and do 9 burpies.  Then Build-A-Bear asked me if I thought they could do it in 3 minutes.  He was being kind.  Turns out we were basically out of time.

Alas, we did one only one up and over.  It was soul crushing.

Asystole dashed to his car to go to work and the PAX quickly circled up for a quick name-a-rama and prayer.


  • It’s my one year-ish anniversary working out with F3.  It has been one of the best decisions I have made for my life for countless reasons.
  • For future reference, I have to have the dots really close together to be able to connect them.  Being kind is lovely, but understand, I spend a lot of my time oblivious.
  • We only did one rep. of the up-and-over but it’s a winner!  We *will* be doing that one again.  I encourage any future site Q’s to pull that one out.
  • Sorry about my time management.  I will do better next time.


  • We celebrated Disco Duck’s M and the fact her shoulder injury could have been much worse.

Thank you following me around this morning.  I am also thankful for the grace everyone showed me.  As always, it’s an honor to lead.

See also