Thunder Up

YHC is hungry for Qs this week, and the chance for another evening post presented itself down in So. Wake territory, so, to Thunder it is for a 1900 tip-time.

15 gather around a pair of shovel flags, YHC can tell the red carpet has been rolled out, and after a recon mission, we’re off (leaving a cooler at the flags with cold water along the way).


  • Mosey to the field for: SSH, Sir Fazio, Mountain Climbers and Imperial Walkers
  • Grab a rock and move along over to the lot.
  • Quick feet, curls, quick feet, triceps, quick feet, press, quick feet, rows.
  • Curb mountain climbers (CMC), curls, CMC, tricpes, CMC, quick feet, CMC, press, CMC, rows.


  • Head to the playground for that nice plush surface area free of sand spurs.
  • Partner up for Dora 1-2-3 (my second go-around today). Running partner to the flag/cooler and back while teaming up for 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC.
  • With great work accomplished YHC thinks he’s got to bring a Kitty Classic and little Carpex flair to So. Wake. Bull in the Burpee Ring, HIMs abound and the competitive juices (along with sweat) really flowing.
  • The group of bulls then mosey to the bottom of a hill (located by the field) for 4 rounds of hill bear crawls with 10 star jumps at the top.


  • A round of Mary as called by the local pax, ending on Bonnie’s torture by YHC.

COT: 15 strong, and Announcements/Prayers.


  • Per Midget’s request, YHC shared a little bit about what Chinese Downhill spoke about at the Carpex convergence this morning.
  • Thanks for letting me come down and host a beatdown with you fine HIMs this evening.

