Throuples Therapy

YHC normally isn’t a big Saturday workout guy.  But there are boxes to be checked and swag to be claimed, so this Saturday it is off to the Green Mile.  YHC shows up early to confirm that we can still break into the track, but amazingly there is a full blown track practice going on.  I didn’t think high schoolers were physically capable of being awake that early on a Saturday.  On to Plan B.

Biner shows up a few minutes before the start to plant the flag, and for a while it looks like this might be a two man affair.  But Torpedo comes in hot at 05:59:55 to turn this into a throuple.

Pledge and then a run around campus before circling up in a parking lot.      

  • 5 GM IC
  • 25 SSH IC
  • 15 Sir Fazio IC
  • 15 Fazio Sir IC
  • 10 Daisy Pickers IC
  • Calf Stretch
  • 15 Merkins OMD
  • Calf Stretch
  • 15 Merkins OMD
  • Runners Stretch

Factoid - It is really hard to have chatter and count when you only have three people.  Second Factoid - All of my warm ups are similar because it makes it easier to copy and paste on the backblast.

Mosey to the bottom of the hill on Green Level to start 7s.  In this case we will be doing 70s instead.  LBC IC at the bottom and LSF IC at the top.  This takes a while.   

Mosey over to the bike racks and school bus pickle for a quick Dora with 100 Irkins / 100 Australian Pull Ups / 100 Dips.

Take the long loop back to the flag to make sure we hit 6 miles.  A quick round of stretching to finish the day. YHC took us out.

See also