Three's Company

I haven’t written a backblast in a while. I did Q Whiplash but apparently it isn’t required for that site. Good news is I got logged in automatically in my browser so here goes.

I signed up for this Q because I was sick a week earlier and my kind friend Largemouth took the Q for me. Now it is the Friday after fireworks and Hi-liter called a stretching Q at the same AO. I wonder how many people will show up?

Before I get to the answer there was an EC run and Denali showed up and we did the normal route. When we got back there were a number of people there but they all were excited about stretching so Denali and I took off. We ran into Headroom who was coming to his second workout looking for the Ruck. Yep, second workout and he was going to get high tempo and a few miles. So the answer is 3. Three people showed up!

Now to the Workout: Warmup lap around the school to warm ups on the basketball court. Next we ran to the tennis parking lot for partner runs. One person lunged while the other ran around the loop for 4 laps. Then to the school parking lot for sprints down the hill to a lap with descending spiderman merkins from 8. We did 8 laps. Next, I stuck with the original plan and we ended with suicides. 4 sets of 3 while the other person did an ab exercise. Headroom did great and hung in the there.

We met up with the stretchers and had coffee after. It was a good workout and shoutout to Denali and Headroom for being there!

If you read this I am sorry but also thank you! See you guys in the Gloom.

See also