Three Years

I’ve been in F3 for almost as long as I’ve been a dad! That percentage of time will just keep growing, mehopes. Here’s a look back at the last three V-days with F3-JP:

2017 (best I could do. Raleigh’s only written 3 BBs this year, as an indication)

FNG Check - Mission and Disclaimer - Follow Me!

Simple plan today: Find the Black Creek Greenway and head north. We’ll stop along the way for decreasing sets of Merkins and Squats (with one set of LBCs in there while the Nan’tan confirmed that our 6 was actually bruising). Continue along until we hit Weston.

Under the bridge, scoop up a rock. 10 reps each of Curls, Overhead Press, and Tricep Extensions, bear-crawling the pedestrian ramp in between. Leave the rocks and continue to Lake Crabtree.

Mosey to the middle of the bridge, partner up. Run in opposite directions. At the ends, do 5 Merkins. Meet in the middle and do 5 Partner Derkins each. Do it again, then hold in the middle.

Begin the journey home, stopping for 10 Rock Your Bodies before putting the rocks back. Continue south on the greenway, pausing a couple of times to recover/do merkins/lungewalk.

Arrive at the flag at 6:31 and change. ASTERISKED. THAT’S IT!

COR/NOR - 4 RESPECTs, 9 meh, 2 HATE

F3 Dads tomorrow (need Snacks and Drinks Qs)
Banjo 6year tmo at Whiplash

Prayers and Praises
SW Forceps and Family
Ms on this day of affection
John coming home from Afghanistan
Barbara with some ER visits this week
YHC took us out circle style


Note that although my V-Post isn’t immortalized in a BB, my 2nd (and V-Carpex) post is here. You know I appreciated that, Hermes.

It’s been a ton of fun to check the boxes on the first part of the 2020 Carpex Leadership Challenge, and you can bet that I’ll make the Q rounds in the back half of the year, but I’m ready to put down some roots. I tend to fall into the trend of NOT posting at the same AO a lot of times in a row, so I’m hoping to dig in deeper at a couple AOs. I’m hoping to make DZ home for the foreseeable future.

I struggled hard to remember PAX #15 in this BB…. apologies, CK. Thanks, Strava.


See also