Three Mile Minimum

Workout Date: 05/18/21
Working on my stretch goal, YHC has been making some moves on the Carpex Q sheets. I was somewhat apprehensive about blindly signing up to Q a “high tempo” workout without posting first. I’ve seen more than one AO where this label no longer applies, and others where the label is missing. I did my due diligence, verifying with Peeping Tom that Full Metal Jacket really was high tempo and posting Kryptonite the day before to get a taste of Carpex High Tempo. At Kryptonite, I asked Michelob for specifics. Three miles minimum would keep everyone happy, some would even love four. I’ve gotten faster over the past few months, but I would struggle to get in any “boot camp” at that mileage, so three it would be.

Warm Up:
Give the mission statement, check for FNGs, give the disclaimer, and warm up:
Side Straddle Hop x20 In Cadence (IC)
Oops forgot the Pledge again, Pledge of Allegiance
I was already planning to cut the warm ups short, but with mumble chatter from Flip Flop we got moving

Main Event
1) Mosey around the school to get a little mileage in and get some eyes on things I’d only seen on Google Satellite View. T-claps to Flip Flop for giving me the guided tour as we circled around. Mosey back to (close to) start.
2) Run to middle school turn around. At each streetlight, Burpees x10 OYO.
3) Partner up for Dora around the turn around. 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats. YHC actually called half-Dora, then proceeded to give Dora rep counts. Cobains. We did not die.
4) Mileage Check In with the PAX. Everyone who spoke up agreed we were at 2 miles after Dora
5) Run back to start. At each streetlight, Carolina Dry Docks x10
6) Run the loop around the pond. Stop twice for BLIMPS
7) Mosey back to start. PAX called their own audible to skip Mary and run 1-3 laps around the small parking lot at the start to get their GPSes up to 3 miles if they were short


12 PAX
Announcements: Carpex Park/Highway Clean Ups this weekend or coming soon, JoCoGa Iliad 5/22, Raleigh’s Memorial Day Convergence 0530 at Garner Station
Prayers for coworkers with cancer and no family. Other prayers unspoken.
YHC took us out

Naked Moleskin:
Well done, men! Thank you for the warm welcome.
Full Metal Jacket is one of my favorite AO names. Tough movie, tough site.
I shall cherish my F3 camo Koozie, thank you Suck Up and Orphan. The Carpex tchotchke game is strong.
We got in our three miles, although I’ve tried to recreate the route in the Footpath app and can’t get above 2.6. Obviously, Footpath needs to fix their stupid buggy app.
This was my forty-fifth #F3Q21 #2021Challenge Q. Next Q is Thursday at Pony Express.

QIC: Pigpen
PAX: Egon, Flip Flop, François, Happy Gilmore, Jeter, Largemouth, Mister Wilson, Orphan, Pigpen, Saban, Stella, Suck Up
Workout Date: 05/18/21

See also