the magic number

Surprise! The PAX thought they were getting 2 weeks in a row of the mighty mighty Sabre, but since he saved my arse last week when I was sick, the least I could do is return the favor. Sabre is down and out, so YHC jumped in, relishing the opportunity to escape germ-infested Montgomery Manor! Such a glorious morning, with many celestial wonderments lighting the sky, and a few imaginary moving objects to be discussed from Riptide’s trip last night. So it’s Friday and I’ve got a lot of work to do, so let’s get on with it.

3 laps around the pickle, which elicited several remarks from Flip-Flop about how anybody could Q this

Warmups: Good Morning x6; Merkin x33; Imperial Walkers x9; SSH x21

ministryThang 1: Mosey to the light posts lining Norwell Boulevard (I like spelling that word):

  • 3 light posts, 3 exercises, Repeato 3x - BearCrawl, Lunge, Lunge Hops (approved by the Ministry of Silly Walks)
  • Lunge 3 sidewalk blocks, 3 Merkins. Lost count, probably about 12x

Thang 2: Mosey to the playground:

  • 3 stations of 3 - 3 sets of 3 pullups; 33 dips; 12 burpees

Thang 3: Mosey to the basketball court. Someone mumbled something about 3 pointers which was timely because my creativity was wearing thin:

  • Partner Up- partner 1 BTTW; partner 2 suicides to each 3pt line, take 3 Bobby Hurleys at each

Bonus Thang: (At this point YHC nearly blacked out so I kindly requested/begged Pivot to bring us home with some yoga):

  • 8 minutes of celestial-inspired yoga, good for the body and soul.

COT: No announcements; prayers for Water Wings/Liverpool on their Peru journey and YHC’s M and 2.0 for speedy recovery pre-vacation

NMS: Gentlemen, it’s always an honor to lead you in the gloom and thanks for the push!

See also