Three Hundo (Merkins)


18 HIM arrived at the Field of Dreams to live out a nightmare…three hundred merkins PLUS…

Welcome FNG, Squid.

The Warmup

- Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag - Mixed run to the top of the hill parking lot, paint the lines. - Standard Merkins 40OMD - Happy Jacks 5 setsIC - Standard Merkins 20OMD - Abe Vigoda 10IC - Standard Merkins 20OMD - Imperial Walkers 15IC - Sir Fazio Arm Circles 10IC (egoscue grip) - Standard Merkins 20OMD

The Thang

- Run to the top of the road…next exercise is…1 PAX shouts, “Standard Merkins!” You asked for it… - Standard Merkins 20OMD - Between the light poles to the shelter: lunge walk, crab walk, lunge walk, bear crawl, lunge walk - pick up the six. - Standard Merkins 20OMD - Modified Dora: 100 pull-ups, 150 standard merkins, 200 jump squats - ALRSU (led by Franklin) 20IC - BTTW Mary: partner 1 BTTW hold, partner 2 4-count Mary of your choice until both partners perform 100 Mary - Mosey to the flag - Standard Merkins 10OMD (for an even 3-hundo)


- Folded Arm Hang; move to the right and left - Monkey Humper stretch - Cotton Picker stretch - Achilles Stretch left and right - Sumo Squat Stretch; slow roll up - IT Band stretch - Shoulder stretch - Chicken Wing stretch right and left

- End on time…


See also