Three Guys Walk into a Bar …

A Workout Q, a Site Q and a Box Checker walk into a bar … or in this case a completely deserted AO during a driving rain storm with temperatures approximately 0.5 degrees above freezing.  They exit their cars 15 seconds prior to the start, look at each, realize this is happening and quietly shake their heads.  The main shovel flag is missing.  The Site Q says he has a back-up flag in the car. Everyone decides they can still love America without a formal Pledge.  Mosey to the shelter. 


  • 25 SSH IC
  • 15 IW IC
  • 15 Merkins OMD
  • 10 SFAC Forward IC
  • 10 SFAC Reverse IC

Remain in the dryness for some exercise:

  • 4 Rounds (20/15/10/5) of Leg Lifts, Freddy Mercs IC, LSF IC and LBC IC
  • 3 Rounds (15/10/5) of One-Legged Squats paired with Derkins
  • 3 Rounds (20/15/10) of Step-Ups paired with Irkins
  • 2 Rounds of People’s Chair paired with Chilcutt (1 minute per exercise)

Mosey back towards the flag.  A few laps around the parking lot with some CDDs, Merkins and Diamond Merkins mixed in.  And our time is up.

COT:  It turns out that the mountains are calling.  Even if there are only 3 guys there to hear them.  Prayers for the Hoo family at home and abroad and for the imminent Repeato family birthing process.  YHC took us out.

See also