Thou Shalt Not Cadence Count...

Today is my birthday. I turned 55. The rules say I have to Q and we have to do Triple Nickels, presumably because we don’t have Double Nickels so here we are. I do not make the rules. I am bound by precedent.

A small brightly lit mob of EC runners joined a comfortable number of PAX who happened to wander in to Slippery When Wet. After a brief introduction and the Pledge of Allegiance we were off…

Out of Ritter Park and over to the small shopping mall with the coffee shop that is open from 10 AM till the owner feels like going home - sometime around 11:15. LBCs till the 6 is in.

I call “flying warmup” so we pair up. One partner runs the pickle and the other partner AMRAP the called exercise. Hermes acted like I did the first time a bra strap was presented to me and I was told to unhook it. Confusion reigned! “But what about those circle things and Good Mornings?!?!” His cries of anguish were music to my ears. I think he settled down when he realized we were going to do those things but I wasn’t going to count for him. In fact, some of the PAX seemed at loose ends without a Q to count for them. Tighten up boys! I just finished Manager 3.0 training. I am empowering you to count!

We did:

A bunch of SSH


Good Mornings

Imperial Walkers

Then I called recover and we moved through the mall down the steps to the other side and I called “Triple Nickels”

5 Start Jumps at the bottom. 5 Burpies at the top. And bear Crawl across the middle, of the mall. Again, Triple Nickels are the rule. Disco Duck was disappointed there was only 5 Burpies at the top but he is a gracious friend and just rolled with it.

After we quickly wrapped that up I was going to ask Hermes if he’s rather do a mini dora or run back to the park and grab the cinder blocks. Then I remembered the cardinal rule of Qing, don’t ask Hermes anything! We did the mini Dora. Aparently Dora was a little too mini, oops. Oh well, we did:

25 merkins

50 something

100 something else. (Like I said, it was really mini. Like, the length of Frisco’s kilt mini, you get the picture. Sorry about that picture)

After we quickly finished that up we moved to the top of the parking lot for a quick 5 Jack Webs. Crossed the road and journeyed back to the park. We stopped once to bathe in the light from the Spectrum Cable trucks. We counted from 4 to 1 Jack Webs there. Hermes told me I couldn’t count. I told him he couldn’t listen.

Back to the park and it’s time for sprints! Line up and it’s 1 2 3 Go - all you got down the parking lot. Peel off to the left and mosey back. We did four circuits before we circled up for COT.

Everyone on their six and I ask Hermes to give me 15 of his favorite Mary exercise. And around the circle we went. We hit 6:30 and we were done!


  • Thank you to everyone who came out and celebrated my birthday with me this morning. I had a lot of fun and I can’t think of a better way to start the day than among friends who have my back
  • No, I don’t do cadence counts. I find them boring and I lose interest. Plus, if you are at a Maskers workout it’s REALLY difficult to breath through a mask and cadence count at the same time.
  • I’m also not crazy about coming up with a bunch or Mary exercises to be perfectly honest so I out source that too.
  • It’s probably best I have nothing to do with Q school.
  • After Q school, if you feel like coming over to the dark side, lets talk.

See also