This was a Gross morning

Most of you would agree that the humidity this morning was absolutely gross, which fit in perfectly with my plan for the morning. You see, today marked my 144th day since I started with F3, something that I randomly figured out while planning this workout yesterday. So it was only fitting that the workout be inspired by a “dozen dozen” or 144.

After a nice EC ruck with Repeato which left us completely soaked with sweat, we waited for the crowd to gather. With a few minutes to go before 0545, we saw a fella coming in hot with a ruck on his back. I mean, this dude was moving…and then we figured out why as he ducked into the restroom behind the ballfield. Turns out, he was not only hurrying to get to the john, but to also post at his first F3 workout. He was thoroughly welcomed, and since we had an FNG, the disclaimer was thoroughly disclaimed, and YHC reminded everybody of the Mission of F3. I also confirmed that this indeed would be limited run, which took us to…

The Warm Up

Being a true limited run workout, we did a gentle mosey up to the basketball court, around the pickle, and back down to the rock pile area (this should have been foreshadowing of what was to come for the PAX……) and did the following (IC X 12 reps for a total of 144 reps)

Good Mornings, Mountain Man Poopers, 2 count Finkle Swings (6 each leg), Hillbillies

What are Mountain Man Poopers and Finkle Swings? Check out Let’s just say that there was some consternation on why we were doing 12 reps versus the usual 10, how to do the Mountain Man Poopers (the consternation was thoroughly enhanced by Frisco), and the Finkle Swings were an unmitigated disaster, but they spurred on quite a bit of laughter and mumble chatter, including discussion of “Big Ole Mr. Knish!” and, of course…

We then paired off, and proceeded to the Rock Pile. Each PAX picked up a new pet rock, (I did give fair warning to pick a friendly rock since there will be a LOT of reps), we walked down to the first base bleachers, and we proceeded to do…

Thang 1

P1 did 12 Curls for Gurls and 12 Squats with their new pet rock, P2 did 12 step ups on the bleachers with a curl press at the top, then swap roles, and repeat x2 (for those of you keeping score at home, this resulted in 72 total reps per partner). Instruction was given that whichever partner finished first, the other was to do a squat hold with their pet rock, however, the extent to which this was followed was mediocre at best.

With some grumbling about the size of some PAX’s rocks, we sauntered back to the rock pile, where the PAX were instructed to put their rocks back where they found them. After a brief pause, YHC instructed the PAX to pick their rocks back up (or swap if they want), find a new partner, and we went back down to the bleachers to repeat the whole 12-12-12 sequence AGAIN, bringing all PAX up to 144 reps on this Thang.

I do a quick time check. Dangit, we’re ahead of schedule. Oh well, might have to improvise a bit. Good thing I had planned out…

Thang 2

With our rocks, we went onto the ballfield and gathered at home plate. Partially to catch my breath and partially to eat up some clock, I explained the theme of the workout, it being my 144th day since joining F3. I started giving instruction that the number of reps at each base would correspond with 10x the number of that position (again trying to get up to 144) when Press On reminded me that 1) 3rd base is “5” and not “6”, and that the pitcher and not the catcher is designated “1”. So I adjusted on the fly:

First Base: 30 Rock Rows

Second Base: 40 Overhead Press

Third Base Deep Short (into the grass in shallow left): 60 four-count flutter kick with holding your pet rock overhead. The wet grass added to everyone’s enjoyment of this exercise, and was deemed to be preferable to being sweaty and then lying down on the infield surface.

Home Base Pitcher’s Mound: 10 Burpees. The design was to do burpees without your rock, but several studs did rock burpees, including Press On and our FNG (the two of them actually did more EC burpees while waiting on the six - strong work men!).

Once the six was in, it was time for a quick 10 count, followed by a math lesson: 30+40+60+10=140, not 144 (take it from me, I’m an accountant). So we did four more burpees to round it out, followed by an Indian Walk around the outfield fence, and then we returned our pet rocks to the pile.

Time check - crap, still ahead of schedule. Need to improvise. So it was time for…

Thang 3

It really wasn’t much of a Thang, some karaokes up to the basketball court, bear crawls, lunge walks, and a gentle saunter back down to the shovel flag.

Time check - 9 minutes to go, ok, we’re gonna get in a lot of Mary…


As we waited for the six to arrive, shield cut plank hold was called. The six arrived, and I decided we needed to hold it for a while…and I was reminded on several occasions that “the six is in Q,” and the more I heard it, the longer we held it.

12 four count flutter kicks IC, for a total of 72 movements

12 box cutters with variable speed cadence, for a total of 72 movements

24 LBCs, for a total of 144 movements

This was all I had planned. Crap, 3 minutes left.

So, I decided to have some fun with it.

Controlled frequency Homer to Marges, with aggressive acceleration at the end

Dying Cockroaches

Have a Nice Day

We then spent some time admiring our sweat patterns on the blacktop before going into…


Count-a-rama: 8

FNG naming ceremony: YHC recited the three things a Man needs to become a member of F3 1) Show up 2) Complete a workout 3) Get a name. Rob 40 FNG gave us his bio, Frisco grilled him ad naseaum, and several crappy names (E-Street, Snooki, The Swamp, Seminole, etc.) were offered up and summarily dismissed by YHC. It was then that Press On reminded us that the FNG was hustling into the john pre-workout, which brought up even more crappy nicknames (see what I did there??). We settled on Kwik Stop, which was well received by the PAX.

Announcements: Battle of Bond Park on 8/2 (see rucking channel on Slack), Carpex Dads on Saturday 7/20, Special Guest DoaH (renamed F3 Carpex NOAH by Burt) at SNS tomorrow, and Repeato rattled off about 12 events between now and 12/31/2021 that are escaping me at the moment.

Prayers & Praises: Disco Duck / his M & family, safe travels for Leprechaun back from Scout outing, safe travels for Pickle’s M as she heads on safari to Africa for two weeks, praise from YHC for moving onto third round interviews and prayers for guidance / patience.

YHC took us out.


This was my first fully-planned Q, and I was reminded of a number of things. Plan for more, you can always do less. Also, keep it simple (stupid). Thanks to the HIM for coming out, and an extra special welcome to Kwik Stop, we look forward to seeing him out in the Gloom!

See also