This PAX is on Fire

Dow Jones wasn’t the only one that had a rough week. YHC was again bit by some sort of bug and two colleagues went down with the flu. So what better way to cap off the week than rising from the ashes at Phoenix? 20 PAX agreed and all 21 of us hit the gloom. Though rain threatened, we stayed mostly dry. A few hearty PAX ran into the AO from various destinations, working to get in some extra miles leading up to various events this Spring. Great work, men! Once the clock struck 0630, we formed a ring of fire and launched into an extended warm-up


  • Reach for the sky, swan dive, up to flat back; repeat.
  • Keep it real with 10 Merkins; R/L Knee hold
  • Downward Dog / Calf Rockers

Yo, is this Broga?

  • Vinyasa Sequence 2X - Plank / Cobra / Downward Dog / Leg extension / Crescent / Warrior 2 / Warrior 3 / Warrior 2 / Crescent / Plank / 10 Merkins / Repeat

Thang1: Escape from Alcatraz

We moseyed up the street to the community center rock pile to collect ego rocks and counted off as 2 teams of prisoners. Top of the parking lot was the prison yard where the PAX made friends with their rocks: curls, press, squats, skull crushers , you name it. This continued while 1 PAX completed the island ladder:

  • Run to island 1 – 5 burpees
  • Lunge to island 2 – 25 LBCs
  • Bear crawl to island 3 – 5 star jumps
  • Run to prison yard

Once all team members completed  the ladder, the whole team ran a prisoner run lap, returned to the yard to collect their rocks, and took the rocks for a lap. First team back were the escapees, losing team was all the prisoners that got caught. And punishment was severe:

  • Ascending Testicles: feet on the prison wall at 15 degrees, 10 derkins; 45 degrees, 10 derkins; 90 degree BTTW, 10 derkins (or hold if like YHC)…all while the escapees gave the Monkey Humper salute.
  • But even the escapees had to pay the price…

Partner up, let’ s go for a run: Catch me if you can – 5 burpees – to the kiosk

Thang2: 5-Card Draw

5s up the hill: one-armed or one-legged merkins, much to Hermes delight.

Mosey back to the flag where YHC planned some Mary to ease us out, but 90 seconds of burpees sounded like a great penalty for the sloppy finish.


Count-O-Rama: 21

Announcements: Tuesday 2/13 Rush Hour relocating to the Oak City Run Club event at Dorothea Dix; and a whole bunch more YHC can’t remember…please post to Slack news channel

Praise/Prayers: Jiggly Puff’s M is 35 weeks prego and all is well! Yogi’s friend Tony whose fiance unexpectedly passed. Earhart’s coworker with Leukemia. Grease Monkey’s mom and M.

NMS: It was a great pleasure leading this group of HIM and Callahan. YHC especially enjoyed all the 2nd F that was going on in the prisoner rock circles - lots of men stepping up to lead while challenging and motivating others. I’m looking at you, Mississippi. Thanks for the opportunity to lead and all the encouragement along the way. MIAGD!

See also