this is the year

HAPPY OPENING DAY! We made it through another baseball offseason. And through another Q1. And through another gloomy gloomy winter. We got some sprinkles this morning, and I don’t think we cracked 50deg, but it was glorious nonetheless. Here’s what we did…

Gather up, and oh snap, Bayonne’s here!! Awesome to see you back, man. 9 others rolled up including 2 via EC. Burt swaps his Dodgers jersey for a tank top, and I don my Matt Harvey jersey for potentially the last time. Start the playlist, and say the pledge. We’ve got some ground to cover, so LET’S GO.

Down Walker and left on Walnut. Working southeast toward Lions Park, stop a few times for warmups consisting of GM/SSH, IW/TT, SM/PJ/SM. We’re in full Organ music mode at this point, so cross Walnut together and convene at the Lions Park baseball field.

Thang 1 - the Field of Dreams (no conflict of interest, today is Thursday). Break into 4 groups and head to a base/plate.

1st base - AMRAP Squats, 2nd base - AMRAP Merkins, 3rd base - AMRAP LBCs, Home - 10 Burpees. The Home Plate team controls the pace. Advance when the team behind you reaches your base.

Thang 2 - the Vicious Circle. In a single file line, start rounding the bases as a group. The PAX in the back runs to the pitchers rubber, does 5 Jump Squats, and returns to the front of the line to set the pace. Cycle through everyone, then repeato with 5 Star Jumps.

Lazy Mary hits for a break in the action. Ten count, and we’re off on the return journey. Hold at Walnut for some Sweet Caroline Squats, cross together, and head back toward the flag. Stop a few times on the way back to stay together. While we’re stopped, knock out some ST, LMJJ, more squats. Return to the flag.

At the flag, BC/H2H/H2M while we brainstorm some vanity plate ideas, and THAT’S IT, I mean HAND, and now THAT’S IT.

COR/NOR - 1 2xRESPECT, 4 RESPECT, 6 fweh

Announcements - Good Friday at DZ tomorrow. GT converging there, donuts and coffee to follow.

Prayers - Mich, Roz, Becky&Mom (different Becky)


The prospect of a full baseball season is SO EXCITING on the heels of the last year. I know that we’re not out of the woods yet, but to think that there are a full 162 games of being able to tune in, tune out, get obsessed with it, get over it… just to have it in the background as life ebbs and flows…. feels normal again.


Felt appropriate to celebrate the Mets (and baseball in general) with this group - a lot of NJ roots there. Apologies if I ignored your true fandom. But only kind of.

Press, we all win if Lindor wins. New face of MLB. So good.

Enjoy it everyone, I KNOW THAT I WILL (and Mets, please don’t make a fool of YHC). Bless.

See also