This is the part of the workout where the Q posts a BB......5 PENALTY BURPEES

40 years ago today, Mr and Mrs Puryear experienced that miracle of life that is childbirth, and brought into this world a bouncing baby McCants…….Who would have thought that momentous event 14,600 days ago would have a chaos theory affect, a RIP-ple if you will, on 7/19/2018 and completely change the day for 16 HIM’s who chose to post at the finest AO in NW Cary on a Thursday morning.

To expand on the chaos theory impact….directly as a result of that birth event all those years ago, our boy McCants decided to mark the end of his thirties with a quiet moment of praise, and quiet reflection. That is until RIPTIDE turned up, after which the boys went a bit wild, and RIPTIDE proceeded to lose all track of time, sobriety and responsibilities….reneging on his Q at Flying Circus.

Fear not, brave PAX, for hope springs eternal, and the loss of a Q created the opportunities for others to step in…..and there was no lack of volunteers to fill Ripper’s boots (so to speak).

Due to superior height and site Q status, YHC was able to make the most of this unexpected privilege to lead some of the finest men in NW Cary, on a Thursday morning.

At 5:44 precisely, YHC loudly announced to the gathered men that this is the point of the work out that the Q would normally announce “ONE MINUTE”…but Riptide was a no show….so, FIVE PENALTY BURPEES.

With the foresight that can be expected from one of our most wisest PAX, Term Paper predicted “the theme has been set”. How right he was…….

Warm Up: YHC loudly announced to the gathered men that this is the point of the work out that the Q would normally lead the PAX into a warm up…but Riptide was a no show….so, FIVE PENALTY BURPEES.

40 SSH’s - happy birthday McCants…. 20 Cotton Pickers 15 Plank Jacks 15 Mountain Climbers 10 Good Mornings (gotta have them to have a good day, right Nature Boy?).

The Thangs: YHC loudly announced to the gathered men that this is the point of the work out that the Q would normally lead the PAX into the Thangs…but Riptide was a no show….so, FIVE PENALTY BURPEES.

Mosey to the finest set of steps in NW Cary on a Thursday morning…..

YHC loudly announced to the gathered men that this is the point of the work out that the Q would begin the exercises…but Riptide was a no show….so, FIVE PENALTY BURPEES.

Stair runs: 1) Regular up & down 2) R leg hop up, regular down 3) L leg hop up, regular down 4) Bunny Hop up, regular down 5) Regular up & down

Plank hold when done. 20 Nippler Merkins when done.

Mosey on over to the finest track in NW Cary on a Thursday morning:

YHC loudly announced to the gathered men that this is the point of the work out that the Q would normally explain to the PAX the next exercise…but Riptide was a no show….so, FIVE PENALTY BURPEES.

Into two teams, in lanes 1 and 3, for a FAST-INDIAN-RUN around half the track.

At half way round the track, switch to BEAR-CRAWL-INDIAN-RUN to the start of the 100m line (the back straight).

In age groups, 100m sprint AYG. 45’s. GO-GO-GO.

Mosey on over to the finest soccer pitch in NW Cary on a Thursday morning for some more work:

Circle up for Ring of Fire. Plank hold followed by 5 show-boating-merkins in turn then run round the circle back to your place. Some excellent showboating merkins on display…Ma Bell and Crimson with the flying-claps, Term Paper and Pivot with one arm Merkins, YHC with Australian merkins ;-)

Mosey to the goal line and make friends with a bit of fence….. - BTTW - Australian Mountain Climbers

Then recover into some pitch runs….

Run to 18 yd line 10 merkins Run to half way 20 LBCs Run to far 18 yd line and 30 squats Run to goal line and plank hold

Repeato with 10, 20 30 of something else.

Mosey on over to the Middle School entrance for YHC signature move - Abbey Road Lunge Walk across the crossing and back again

Mosey over to the finest basketball court in NW Cary on a Thursday morning.

YHC loudly announced to the gathered men that this is the point of the work out that the Q would normally explain to the PAX the next exercise…but Riptide was a no show….so, FIVE PENALTY BURPEES.

1’s - suicides (quarter, half, three quarter, full court); 2’s BTTW FLAPJACK That was fun, lets do it again. RINSE & REPEAT, with Peoples Chair instead FLAPJACK That was fun, lets do it again. RINSE & REPEAT, with LBCs instead

Circle up. YHC loudly announced to the gathered men that this is the point of the work out that the Q would normally lead the PAX into some Mary…but Riptide was a no show….so, FIVE PENALTY BURPEES.

Mary – “have a nice day” to finish.

Prayers – Goose’s son Cameron and all other spoken and unspoken prayers.

Its a privilege to have been able to lead you today, great way to start the day & I hope you take as much strength and inspiration from our group of HIMs as I do.

See also