This anniversary beatdown brought to you by the number 11

Today is my 1-Year F3 Anniversary!!!!  First post was a year ago today at Flirtin’ with Disaster.  Funny story about that……  Blue Water EH’d me, but due to a mix-up, I posted in Carpex and he posted in South Wake.  Joe Smith was was the Q that morning.  It was his VQ, and I learned who “Dora” is, and how to get to the “Bridge of Pain.”  Sosa and I were both named after COT.  The workouts brought me, the fellowship has kept me and the faith (defined as thinking and acting beyond one’s self) is what’s the most amazing.  I’ve told many people that F3 is somehow a mystical, self-selecting/self-eliminating group of the best men in Carpex and I’m proud to know each of you, and proud to be a part of it!

Today was an brutal, yet incredibly vanilla beatdown!!!!  We hit the entire body and kept moving non-stop the whole time!  Perfect!! (In case anyone remembers doing this workout before….it was Ollie’s workout at the Phoenix AO-nniversay several months ago.  Just as brutal then as it was today, just a lot cooler outside back then!)

The Warm-Up:

Mosey out of the lot, over t the kiosk and then in the middle of the very large field avoiding standing water as best as possible (as if that were going to matter anyway…HA!)

  • 20 SSH
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Good Mornings
  • 10 Windmills
  • 10-count quad stretch
  • Five 4-ct calf stretch ‘Mericans
    • Switcheroo
    • Repeat
  • Five Hand Release ‘Mericans
  • 10 WWII’s

Now everyone’s feet are wet, front is wet,and back is wet!  (They were going to get that way anyway…this was just more refreshing!)

The THANG!!!

  • Mosey over to the rock pile and pick a “Healthy” rock
    • Quick thinkers cranked out AMRAP ‘Mericans while more selective pax focused on finding perfectly healthy rocks
  • Rock Mosey down the trail and line up facing the dam(n) hill
    • 11’s on the hill starting with:
      • 10 Worst ‘Mericans Ever at the top
      • Run over to the steps and back to your rock
      • 1 8-ct Rock Your Body at the bottom
    • Thoroughbreds completed an extra lap with 5 Worst ‘Mericans Ever at the top
    • Return the rocks to the pile and AMRAP LBC’s for the 6
  • Mosey back into the big field and hold at the bottom of the hill by the road
    • Squats until the 6 arrived
  • Billy Run up the hill and back to the flag


  • 26 Total Pax including those who crushed the hill with YHC, and the runners that comprised Vesper
  • Delicious dried Bananas and less-delicious-but-interesting Durian candy from Thailand provided by YHC
  • Announcements
    • 9/11 coming up
      • FMJ will be the only Carpex AO open tat day, all others closed
      • Shirt order closes 8/8
    • 3rd F Carrying Place sign up needs a couple more volunteers for this Sunday
    • Ma Bell Leading a Clown Car to “Thin Blue Line” Churham AO on Saturday
  • Prayer Requests
    • HotSpot’s uncle Andy
    • Ma Bell’s mom is undergoing hip surgery this morning
    • Bartman’s Dad is recovering from tib/fib fracture and will soon be moving to a full-care facility
    • Several folks and/or their families are travelling this weekend, some to very remote locations

Reflecting on the past year of F3, I have a few closing thoughts:


As I said, today is my F3 Anniversary.  It’s amazing sometimes the things that we remember, the individual details that in another’s eyes are insignificant yet have a profound impact on you individually.  I’m quite certain that outside of Sosa, Joe Smith, and me, few other pax who posted at FWD that morning last year remember much else about it.  We never know when something we do or say will have an impact on another person, and that impact can be positive, or negative.  Always give your best, and be a positive example.  MIAGD!

See also