Thirsty Thursday Pub Crawl

Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the digital emotional headlock. The Twitters were damn near frozen last week, but alas YHC and Riptide were able to talk FNG Ted into making his debut at BO (nickname to come in NMS).

With that YHC set out to introduce him to Carpex’s flagship AO with a tour of the local watering holes. So a pub crawl it is.


  • Mosey to the bank to take out some cash for our pub crawl
  • After Coney dropped the ball (we did some good mornings), McCants stepped up to the “how much money do we need to go out drinking” with a healthy “$60, aye!”
  • 20 merkins
  • Plank left arm up
  • 20 merkins
  • Plank right arm up
  • 20 merkins … Ma Bell, you would have loved this
  • Imperial Walkers

Pub 1:

  • After a mosey to the Pharmacy
  • 12 merkins and a lap around the building
  • 12 squats and a lap around the building
  • 12 LBC and a lap around the building

Pub 2:

  • If this is a pub crawl, we’d better do just that to Cary Crosstown Pub

Pub/Brewery 3:

  • Mosey to Bond Bros
  • Time for the Beer Mile
  • 4 laps from BB down to Little Creaser’s and back up Cedar Dr. After each lap 12 merkin and 12 squats
  • After finishing and WKRP dropping the nastiest fart OF. ALL. TIME. There was enough time for a round of Freddy Merks

Last Call:

  • Mosey back to the bank for 10, 9, 8…1 Burpees, LBC and Squats (the Kitty signature move)
  • After a quick mosey, and AYG back to the flag, 1 round of dying cockroaches, have a nice day, and that’s it.


  • Good times fellas and thanks to the HIM (Term Paper, WKRP, Repeato, Chinese Downhill, Bartman and Biner) for rocking the meow mile as well. I assure you, the run home was extra sucky this morning.
  • A welcome sign to have TTT back in the mix, nice work by the heros who participated… withouth long sleeves under their tank tops (Ma Bell, you need to have words with WKRP and Burt… just saying)
  • Welcome FNG Cheddar Bo. Best. Nickname. Ever. He works for TOC… thus the name. Tclaps to Callie for dropping it!
  • Thank you, Wonk for taking us out.
  • Guys, it’s always my honor to lead a workout. Until next time, SYITG. Xoxo, Kitty

See also