They lock the baseball fields when it rains

It was your typical Wednesday Morning Buffet. Several arrived early for a little Insomnia appetizer. The Ruckers and the Vespers all grabbed their food to go, and the rest of the SNS crowd dined heavily on Turkish Get Ups, Bropees and Absolution. With some Twerkins for dessert. And although we didn’t start with a Good Morning (sorry Nature Boy) we did end with a Have a Nice day.

And a new word was created. When you combine a Jog with a Mosey you get a Josie.

Special shout out to all the visiting PAX. From Raleigh: Steroid, Yoda, Drysdale and from Carterico: Gertrude


Josie to the Community Center Parking lot for some: Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Windmill, Cotton Picker, Steve Earle

Thang 1

Josie down Metro Park Rd toward the baseball fields. Partner up in the parking lot and split up. Partner 1 at the start of the parking lot, Partner 2 near the far end.

Star Jumps x10 then Bear Crawl to meet in the middle. Bropees x5 Partner Clap Merkins x10 Crawl Bear back.

Repeato x3 replacing the Bear Crawl with Crab Crawl, Duck Walk & Frog Hop.

Thang 2

Josie to baseball field #7. Since a lot of us have been confused about which day of the week it is after coming off the Memorial Day Holliday, I wanted to add to the confusion be performing the exercise Field of Dreams on a Wednesday at SNS. But, as you already know, they lock the baseball fields when it rains. So we improvised. We split up into 4 groups and spread out in a grassy area next to the field.

Group 1 (1st base) AMRAP - Jump Lunges Group 2 (2nd base) AMRAP - WWI Group 3 (3rd base) AMRAP - SSH Group 4 (Home plate) Turkish Get Ups x10

After group 4 completes TGU they run to 1st and replace group 1. Group 1 runs to 2nd, group 2 runs to 3rd, and group 3 runs home. Exercise is finished when group 1 gets to home plate and completes their TGU.

Thang 3

Josie back to the flag with a few stops along the way for some Twerkins and Absolution.


Saban was keeping me honest on the time, so we arrived back at the flag with just enough time to meet up with the others and do a round of James Bond.


I apologize if I miss some things. I accidentally stopped my recording. Please feel free to let me know if you’d like me to add an item.

Announcements: Crazy Train June 9th, Special Convergence with Tortoises at SNS June 20th (Chinese Downhill will share his story afterwards)

Prayers: Burt’s brother-in-law, Mississippi’s family member, Water Wings’ son, Goose’s son

YHC concluded with a quote from Robert F. Kennedy

“Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”


See also