There's nothing wrong with a little vanilla now and then

23 PAX showed up on a beautiful Thursday morning for a little fun and some exercise. On the run in to the AO YHC was still working on the plan for this morning. Here’s what was come up with:

One FNG, so the typical disclaimers given, but YHC struggled to remember the mission statement on the spot, so we pledged allegiance and off we moseyed to the community center. Unbeknownst to the Q, there’s construction over in that area so there was a little panic, but we found our way into the center courtyard and there was still a way to accomplish Thang 1 sort of as planned. YHC got his stuff together and was able to inform the FNG and rest of the PAX the mission statement of F3. PAX were warned via pre-blast to embrace #TTT. Those that didn’t had 10 burpees OYO, while conforming TT wearers had 10 merkins to complete. Now onto the warmup:

SSH x15 IC
Good Mornings x5 IC
PAX weren’t counting so 5 penalty burpees assessed
Good Morning x5 IC (much better counting this time)
Hillbillies x10 IC
Daisy Pickers x 10 IC
Mountain Climbers x10 IC
Calf Stretch L/R x silent 10 count each side

Thang 1:
Partner up for a good old fashioned Dora.
100 merkins
200 jump squats
300 LBCs
Partner runs the diamond sidewalk and then flip flop.

Thang 2:
Mosey over to the parking lot for some 11s.
1 Star jump, run to the other side of the lot for 10 merkins.
Continue back and forth adding a star jump and subtracting a merkin each time.

Mosey back to the skate park for some Mary. YHC noticed we had a little extra time so we did a little Rubber Band Man inspired stretching.
Runners Stretch L/R x silent 10 count
Pigeon Stretch/Pose L/R x silent 10 count
Butterfly Stretch x silent 10 count
American Hammers x15 IC
Dying Cockroaches x 15 IC
L Elbow R Knee x 10 IC
R Elbow L Knee x10 IC
Low Slow Flutter x 15 IC
Dolly Partons x 15 IC
Have a Nice Day!

MLK Day convergence in Raleigh on Monday 1/20. Chavis Park 0530. Krispy Kreme Challenge 2/1. BRR signups are open. 8 or so “spots” left but alternates will be needed for sure.

The Joker’s M
16 Steve’s M
Sub with the impending job interview and subsequent decision

YHC took us out.

Thanks as always for everyone that showed up today. I really appreciate that. And special thanks to Rooney and Imp for our discussion yesterday. Recently I posted on slack that I was having a rough day at work, just due to a bunch of small things added on top of uncertainty with the direction of the company in this market due to no fault of our own. We had a meeting yesterday and at the very least, it went about as well as it could have. No decisions have been made, but we should now have all the information to come to a decision. My job is not in jeopardy, but will certainly be different. Anyway, I’d just like to thank everyone that reached out just to reassure me that things will be alright and a lot of empathy for sure. I certainly appreciate all that took time out of their day to say something to me. I’m very lucky to have such a group of HIMs that have my back when needed. Thanks guys. MIAGD!

See also