Themopylae: “With it or on it...”

Spartan’s VQ.

(Disclaimer: This BB was authored solely by Spartan, posted by Texas Ranger who was set to be co-Q but Spartan didn’t need me!)

12 PAX showed up for an adventure to overcome 5 grueling days full of upper body and ab related trials.

Good mumble chatter and an upbeat mood as all gathered for  brief warmups, and with no FNGs this morning, the PAX proceeded directly to the Hot Gates with their shields (coupons) in tow for three rounds each of:

Day 1:

  • Coupon Curls
  • LBCs
  • Blockees
  • Squat Jumps (Batto)

Day 2:

  • Overhead Coupon Lifts
  • Heels to Sky
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Burpees

Day 3:

  • Coupon Bench Presses
  • American Hammer (w/Coupon)
  • Wide Merkins
  • Squats

Day 4:

  • Shield Swings (w Coupon)
  • Regular Merkins
  • Lion Kings
  • Mountain Climbers

Day 5:

  • Pull Ups
  • Step ups (both feet)
  • Dips

After successfully defeating all enemies and returning with their shields over their heads and not on them, the PAX proceeded to a brief COT:

Prayer Requests for:

  • Tam, and two of Ascot 2.0 for healing
  • A coworker by the name of Roy who is looking for employment.


  • Upcoming F3 Carpex workout on Thanksgiving day in the AM and a social event afterward
  • There will be a 90 minute Phoenix Workout this Saturday at 6 am at Bond Park


  • Thanks to Texas Ranger and Yogi for the support of the first time Q.
  • Thanks to the PAX for the opportunity to lead you this morning; I know it was hard, but you all still did well.
  • Thanks to those who helped during Day 5 with spotting on the pullup bars; way to support the PAX.

See also