The Winterfell Winkie

Waking up just a wee bit earlier this fine morning in order to make the trek to Winterfell as the Q. I was gretted first and foremost by a balmy 66˚. Then 7 of Carpex finest HIM joined me as we toured the AO. Once again the winkie as mentioned and audibles were called.

As there were no FNG’s a brief disclaimer was given and the Pledge was recited. From there we mozied around side of campus to the bus parking lot area for warmups. 

  • Good Mornings
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles
  • Seal Claps
  • Overhead claps
  • SSH

Mozy to the roundabout circle for 

Thang 1: 7’s

  • Plank Jacks
  • Sumo Squats

Mozy to employee parking lot for

Thang 2: Partner Dora

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Mountain Climbers
  • 300 LBCs

Mozy to track for 

Thang 3: Lap & Field Activities

  • Lap 1: Partner Merkins (20) — Running opposite direction 20 Partner Merkins when you meet you partner
  • Lap 2: Carolina Dry Docks (10)

On the field:

  • Lunge Walk 1st half
  • Bear Craw 2nd half. 

Mozy to flag for Mary

  • Leg Raises (Geek Squad)
  • American Hammers 


  • Announcements: YHC mentioned his 2.1 has accepted a spot at App State starting this fall. 
  • Geek Squad took us out in prayer.

See also