The Wave of Cool Weather

I went to bed Tuesday night hearing on the news that Wednesday AM would be glorious. The weather reporters were correct and we had amazing low 60’s for the starting temp and no humidity.  Arriving a bit early for a personal EC, I returned to see a gaggle of HIM eagerly awaiting the start.  With no FNGs and a short disclaimer, we did The Pledge 

Mozy up the street to large parking lot for warmups 

  • Good Mornings
  • SSH
  • Sir Fazio - fwd/bck
  • Overhead Claps
  • Seal Claps 
  • Runners Stretch - both sides. 

Partner up for  Thang 1

  • Fat Dora w/ Large parking lot pickle run
  • 200 Merkins
  • 300 Squats
  • 400 LBC

And for good measure called 5 Burpees OYO. 

Mozy to courtyard for Thang 2

  • Dips
  • Dirkens 
  • L/R Step-ups

Mozy to OG parking lot for Thang 3: 7’s 

  • Plank Jacks
  • Star Jumps 

Mozy to flag for Mary 

  • Homer to Marge 
  • Boat/Canoe
  • Freddie Mercury 
  • Heals to Heaven
  • 100’s 
  • American Hammers 

Have a nice day. 

COT:  YHC took out out in prayer and I reminded that we are all here for each other. That sharing how things are REALLY going can only make us stronger. 

Thx to Burt for bring the basketball for my signuature move during name-o-rama.  Props to LiteBrite for fixing the swagger wagon.