The Very First Time…

It was my first Q and it was 5:10. I saw headlights start streaming into the parking lot and I started feeling a bit nervous. Just recently through Hermes Q School, I knew I was prepared. Fourteen PAX and one FNG Sunshine (son of Intervention) assembled by the flag. I mumbled the disclaimer, mission and then we recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Off we went with a short mosey across the street to the far end of the parking lot.

Warm up


- Seal Jacks

- Sir fazio arm circles forwards

- Sir fazio arm circles backwards

- Mountain climbers

- Plank arm raises

- Good mornings

Mosey down Regency Parkway to first left and lined up along the guard rails.

Thing 1

10 dips, sprint to other side of road and back, 20 Bobby Hurley’s , sprint to other side of road and back

Repeat cycle a few times. Mosey on down Regency Parkway and found ourselves in the back parking lot of the Regency Park building.

Thing 2

4 corners - 1st corner) 10 Merkins, 2nd corner) 10 merkins , 20 imperial walkers, 3rd corner) 10 merkins, 20 imp walker, 30 Freddie mercs, 4th corner) 10 merkins, 20 imp walker, 30 Freddie mercs, 40 squats

2nd round, same sequences except with diamond merkins, hillbillies, LBC, squats

Mosey back down to our thing 1 spot and lined up on the guard rails again.

Thing 3

Derkins, Urkins, and Merkins with sprints in between. Mosey back to the flag.


- WWII’s

- Homer to Marge

- Low Slow Flutters

Have a nice day!


Countarama and namearama. Announcements for TCP Sawgrass serving the community every other Sunday at 2 pm. Prayers for our country and the leaders. Praises for Chipper starting new job. YHC took us out with a prayer.

Hopefully the PAX enjoyed the activities of the day. Hopefully I didn’t sound dumb or miss anyone.

See also