The Vandals Sack Rome

The day is June 2nd. The year is AD 455. Rome is being sacked for the third time. Today, we are the Vandals who will take the city.


Today’s Playlist


06:30 – FNG Check – we have one, Noah – Disclaimer – LET’S ROLL


Jog around the over to the secret garden for a warmup.

Good Mornings / Side Straddle Hops / Cotton Pickers / Imperial Walkers / Merkins / Mountain Climbers / Plank Jacks

Let’s mosey out into the park. Take up an ego rock or two travelling rocks, and we’re on to our first objective.

Follow me down the hill, past the kiosk and to the boat launch – time to knock out the Aqueducts.

Standing in a line starting at the water, PAX 1 fills the bucket, passes it down the line. As each PAX passes the bucket down the line, drop to a plank. The last PAX dumps the water into the larger bucket, and runs with the empty bucket to the front. Repeato until the repository is full. Once we’ve verified that this Aqueduct system works – dump that stuff out back into the lake. Rome isn’t getting any water today. Bring that Aqueduct system and all of our rocks with us (two small buckets and two large buckets).

Take the long way around back to the bottom of the Bond Park Drive hill stopping twice for some rock work – Left then Right Hand Merkins, American Hammers, LBCs (just once)

It’s time to plunder some treasures. We happened upon 10 pain sticks, dumped our rocks into a big pile next to them, and accepted the challenge. Move everything to the parking lot no more than two lightpoles at a time (first move is only one lightpole for that staggering effect).

Having secured the treasure (pain sticks), partner up and together take a pain stick and a large rock. Heavy Catch Me if You Can with Partner 1 lungewalks with a painstick, and Partner 2 knocks out 10 merkins. Catch, flipflop, repeato.


The Romans lives will be spared, but we are going to carry some away into captivity. Partner carry to the building, flip flop and continue to the back of the building. Since this is a sack of Rome, might as well knock out some BTTW. 7 count down the line, then back to the secret garden for one last round before claiming victory – Dips, Erkins, ALRSUs, LBCs, Freddie Mercs.

Mosey back to the flag for a victory set of 14 burpees, to commemorate our 14 days sacking Rome.


COR – 18

NOR – 2 RESPECTS, 12 Mehs, 4 HATES (depending where you put Aristocrat and Callahan)



Crazy Train June 9th

Small Shirt available here

SnS 3rd F at 6:45 on June 20th. HK promises to make you hungry (food provided).


Prayer Requests

Quiver’s M’s best friend lost their daughter Molly. Prayer for strength.

Praise for the all night ruckers.

YHC took us out.



I had a ton of fun brainstorming and planning for this workout. Thank you Wikipedia for pointing me in the right direction. (I am not necessarily a Roman history buff… but I did learn some stuff during the prep).

Also, per Wikipedia, Claven is actually spelled Clavin if the reference is what I think it is, but I’ll keep his tag consistent.

T-claps to Miyagi for his first post, nice work!

Tecumseh took the Victory burpees literally – AS WE ALL SHOULD HAVE!

Took me a few iterations and audibles to get the CMIYC right, thank you for working with me on that one.

Awesome teamwork on using the buckets for some rock plundering – got about 1/1000th of a taste of what the crew went through overnight!

I have 10 pain sticks in my van if anybody wants them for Monday’s or Tuesday’s workout – DM me, or I’ll just bring them back to DTC at the end of tomorrow.

Thanks for jumping into themes with me, I had a blast this morning! Your enthusiasm is contagious, especially when we have FNGs.

See also