The Unintentional GroupMe-Themed Workout

February 14, 2019

10 HIMs gathered at the finest 5:15 am Thursday AO in all of Carpex.

First exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance. Mosey to the big parking lot.

Warm Up

Good Mornings, Steve Earles, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Claps, Plank Jacks, and Control Freak Merkins

The Thang

7 of Diamonds - each lap around the diamond we pick a different exercise done in ascending/descending multiples of 7: First lap, 7 burpees x 4. Second lap, 14 Monkey Humpers x 4. Third lap, 21 Homer-to-Marge x 4. Fourth lap, 28 LBCs x 4. Fifth lap, 21 Jump Squats x 4. Sixth lap, 14 CDDs x 4. Seventh lap, 7 World’s Worst Merkins x 4.

Mosey back to the flag.


Pickle Pounders, 100s, Have a nice day.


9 Mehs, 1 Respect

Announcements: F3 Dads Saturday, The Mule signup ongoing.

Praises/Prayers: Ausfarht, Swag’ M, Yoga’s job hunt, Quiver’s home purchase, Joe Smith’s pending 2.0. Brothers who are on IR.

YHC took us out.


Lot’s I could say here, but you had to be there to here the Hermes/Repeato conversations about Valentine’s Day. There were different exercises planned, but the PAX wanted some practice so we included more hips. Time will tell if it helped or hurt. MIAGD, and a little better than yesterday.

See also