The Triple Nickel Strikes Again!

The last of my official Birthday Week Q’s, and while still feeling a little tired an a little sore, I was ready to get it this morning. I just Q’d at Bond Park a few days ago and wanted to keep this a bit more fresh. With the Crazy Train coming up, and folks getting more focused on BRR training, I figured we get a little hill work in, and make it a little exciting at the same time. Hence, the Triple Nickel!

FWIW, I was completely blown away by the number of cars in the lot this morning presumably doing some sort of EC. I got there about 15 minutes before the beatdown and thought my watch was off and maybe I was late or something! Nice work for getting after it, everyone!!! Before the workout, a couple of folks asked what I had planned as they were railsplitting the beatdown vs Vesper. I indicated we’d hit about 3 miles and some hill work.

Warm Up:

  • 20 SSH
  • 10 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Good Mornings
  • 5 Wolverines (to ensure we all knew how to do them)
    • Term Pappy, being the ever vigilant, attentive soul he is deduced there was a reason we were doing these in warm-up…. And he was right!
  • 5 Worst Merkins Ever (to ensure we also knew how to do THEM.)
  • I was actually planning a couple more warm-up exercises, but figured that was enough and would could just go get after it.

Mosey to the Mary O’Dell / High House entrance for The Thang

Triple Nickel!

Starting from the bottom of the High House Hill:

  • 5 Wolverines
    • Pax, this is to intentionally get your heart rate a little elevated before running uphill!
  • Run to the top
  • 5 Worst Merkins ever
  • Run back down.
  • That’s 1….do 5 of those. 5% Wolverines, 5 WME’s, 5 times up the hill…5-5-5…get it?
  • Thoroughbreds got in an extra set getting the six, and the main group help at the top after the fifth for some Mary.

Dang it! That’s only 2.5 miles!!!!!!! I promised 3’ish. Well, we still have 11 minutes left…. Run into the park past kiosk hill and to the intersection, then back to the flag. 3.4’ish by my tally for those that got in the extra set on the hill. I think we’re good.

At the flag:

  • 20 WWII’s
  • 15 American Hammers
  • Harass the Versperers for being chatty and not joining in
  • 15 more American Hammers
  • Have a nice Day

Strong work guys! Pivot was KILLING it on the hills! Liverpool…STRONG showing after the 12-mile Ruck and workout on Monday. and BURT!!!! That man’s a BEAST. I hope I’m that fit when I’m his age, jeez!!!!


  • Announcements
    • Century Day 5/31
    • Pop-Up 9:30am workout at A-Team for pax who absolutely just cannot make the regular workouts due to other commitments (kid duty for YHC)
    • Crazy Train June 8th
  • Prayers - None
  • Praises - Highschool graduates moving on to the next chapter!

YHC took us out in prayer!

Thanks Sabre for help with the Pax List!

See also