The Tempest. Or a Martini.


  • 23 HIM joined YHC for 2.9 miles of a shaken, not stirred, tempest (or martini) at shaken not stirred.
  • Frisco was not there. Theisman was not there. Neither was Joe Smith. But Term Pappy was.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the big flag (no shovel flag???!??!??)
  • Play Bob Seger.
  • Run to the Community Center.
  • Paint the Lines.
  • 50 SSH
  • 50 slow count Merkins
  • 10 GM OYO
  • Grab an ego rock.
  • Run to the back of the CC.

The Thang****s

The Tempest: for 20 minutes, perform as many cycles as you can of: 5 Worst Merkins Ever then run a lap; 10 Jump Knee Tucks then run a lap; 15 Australian Merkins then run a lap; 20 Rock Your Body’s then run a lap; 25 Heels to Heaven. Rinse. Repeat.

Put your rock back.

Run to the parking lot.

Grab a partner.

The Vacuum Cleaner: wheelbarrow five spaces forward, five Dirkins, wheelbarrow five spaces backward, five Dirkins. Flap Jack. Repeat 3x.

Run back to the flag (that isn’t there).- Stretch

Forward fold, left and right.

Monkey Humper stretch

Plank calf stretch, lat stretch.

Runner stretch/pigeon stretch L/R.

Fold up slowly.

Quad stretch L/R.

Michael Phelps arms.


See also