The Sub

19 HIM gather in the gloom for another Claymore, limited run, beatdown care of Ninjago.  How many regions have a 12-year old Q on a regular basis I ponder? Welcome to FNG Thriller (Earhart’s 2.1), who received the disclaimer from his brother.  After a quick lap around the upper parking lot pickle, we circle-up for

Warm Up

Good Mornings

Sir Fazio

Imperial Walkers


Side Straddle Hops

10 Burpees OYO thanks to Honey Do being tardy

The Thang

Done with warm-ups, we head over to the baseball field for some base running exercises including:

Home Plate:  10 burpees OYO

1st Base:  10 LBCS

2nd Base: 10 Star Jumps

3rd Base:  10 squats

Home Plate:  10 merkins (plank hold for the six)

Q now done with the baseball field, he leads us out and around to the rock pile to pick out a good EGO rock.  for 3 rounds, 10 count each of (We run the upper lot pickle between each set for a little break):

Rock rows

Arm Extensions


Curls for Girls

Put your rock back WHERE YOU FOUND IT, and head to the tennis courts.  Remember the exercises we did on the baseball field, well we are going to do them again but this time we alternate bear crawls and lunge walks for each tennis court.  Squat hold for the six on the far fence.

Done with the tennis courts we mosey to the basketball court for two quick rounds of suicides.  The court is fairly small but hey, this is a limited run workout, so it works.  Done and gassed, Q takes back to the flag, circling up for:


PAX-led Mary included 10 reps of:



WW2 Sit-ups

Flutter Kicks

Burpees x2



Dying cockroaches

Bell tolls 6:30 and time to finish.


Count-a-rama:  19 PAX


Ninjago was honored to lead a fine group of HIM!

See also