The Smell of Math in the Morning

18 posted (Banjo and Sub EC’d starting at 4:45) at the quietest F3 AO in all of Carpex. If it wasn’t for those noisy yoga ladies, we’d really have a nice time. But Sour Mash refuses to do his Site Q job and chase them away. . .

Let’s Get Started

  • Disclaimer - Modify as needed, we will not leave you behind, but we will reinvigorate your male leadership.
  • Pledge of allegiance
  • Let’s mosey!

Warm Up

  • Going to take a little run here (ended up being right at 3/4 mile) let’s head around the bottom parking lot, up to Apex BBQ, all the way to Scott’s Mill entrance, ever so quietly down and back to the front of the church building. Plank hold for the six
  • Good mornings, nice and slow, feel the burn!!
  • Sir Fazio arm circles forward
  • Seal claps
  • Sir Fazio arm circles reverse
  • Overhead claps
  • Overhead arm circles
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Merkins
  • Plank jacks
  • Diamond merkins
  • Mountain climbers
  • Calf stretches, right over left, then switch
  • Mosey over to the front of the school

Math Challenge Time!

  • Start at the bottom of the hill we are going to do 5, 7, 9, and then finally 11s
  • 5s: Burpees, Bobby Hurley, and Bear Crawl up hill, Mosey back down
  • 7s: Star Jumps, Squats, and Sprint up hill, Mosey back down
  • 9s: Monkey Humpers, Merkins, and Mosey up the hill, Mosey back down
  • 11s: LBCs, JLos, and Lunge walks (We were going to do this, but Sub was going SO SLOWLY we didn’t have time, oh well, leave it in the back blast anyway)


  • 170s, new record, take that Squatter!
  • Reverse Crunches
  • LBCs
  • American Hammers


  • Announcements: Krispy Kreme challenge registration open, Churham Bull this weekend, Sharknado tomorrow at Bounty Hunters, Banjo called Coffeeteria at wake zone
  • Prayers and Praises: Red Ryder has some challenges going on at work
  • YHC took us out in prayer

See also