The Sharknado

The Sharknado.  It has been a tradition for 2+ years at Bounty Hunters, the finest downtown Apex AO on Thursday mornings.  This quarterly fitness test allows each PAX to test themselves with a variety of exercises and lap-running. 15 PAX showed up to withstand the Sharknado.  With Rooney on the IR with a foot injury, he took all Sharknado materials to the community center and Imp ran point for the morning.  2 ran the POGL Dinosaur, 13 pledged their allegiance, and off we go…

Warm Up w/ Imp

Good Mornings IC x10

Side Straddle Hops IC x10

Imperial Walkers IC x10

Burpees OYO x5

Diamond Merkins OMD x5

World War 2s OMD x5

Standard Merkins OMD x5

Scorpion Dry Docks OMD x5

Thang 1 - The Sharknado - 25 minutes

15 Burpees – 1 Lap

20 Diamond Merkins – 1 Lap

20 WW2 Sit Ups – 1 Lap

20 Standard Merkins – 1 Lap

20 Scorpion Dry Docks – 1 Lap

Repeat as many times as possible, keeping track of your score (each exercise = 0.1; each lap = 0.1)

Updated Sharknado Scores can be found here: 10.24.19

Playlist by Rooney:

I Know What I Am – Band of Skulls

Dive – Nirvana

No One Knows – Queens of the Stone Age

Somebody Told Me – The Killers

Rearviewmirror – Pearl Jam

Slither – Velvet Revolver

The Kill – 30 Seconds to Mars

Thang 2 - Balls to the Wall

As with tradition, after 25 minutes of Sharknado, Imp led the PAX toward the Balls to the Wall Hall.  This was timed for the last PAX upsidedown-standing.  Congrats to Compound W for winning this session!


With five minutes to go, Imp leads a short stretching session with hamstrings, runners stretch, downward dog, and slow roll back to your feet.


15 PAX total including GTL & Wonderbread arriving after running the POGL Dinosaur around the Peakway.

IMPressed with so many improvements and times since last quarter. 

One-Four with a Sharknado record of 3.5

Freebird jumps 0.8 spots since his last Sharknado posting.  Awesome job!

Announcements: Krispy Kreme Challenge, Respect Week coming up, Two Factor with the Halloween BH Q

Prayers/Praises: Praises for Imp’s 2.0 who is getting baptized in one week (all are welcome to support Walker in his decision to get baptized)

The next Sharknado lead by Rooney/Imp will be February 20, 2020.  There will also be a site Q handoff on this date.  Details to follow.

See also