The Rules and Proper Nutrition

Back almost 4 years ago when I first got initiated in this group (not a cult) that we know as F3, our little group in Carpex was a lot smaller. At that point, I think a full schedule was 2-3 AOs on most days. As it stands now in July 2021, we are more like 7-8 AOs five days per week, as well as several Saturday options and a plethora of EC opportunities. All that to say, you gotta move around to see all the different guys who are F3 Carpex brothers. I haven’t really been a regular at Cougar Town since we launched it earlier this year, and it is 2 FREAKING MILES from my house. There are guys who are regulars there but I may not see them every week.

I had not been aware of the extent of what I’ll call the Bolton Rules until this morning. I got a little inkling of them the morning of my Q at Cougar Town. Actually, there was a DM at 9:26 pm the night before from Bolton, asking what kind of mileage I was planning for. LOL - he thinks I planned this. I didn’t see the message until about 5:00 am the morning of, and gave him my standard kinda vague around 2 miles answer. Maybe a little more. What I learned after recounting this to the PAX as we gathered before 0530, is this is a standard Bolton move. I’d just been Q-shopped! I already knew about the climate-related rules, but I had not been aware of the level of Q-shopping that Bolton had perfected. This is what happens when you post all over Carpex and don’t see the same guys on the regular. I was also treated to other Bolton rules that I just decided to dub them the Bolton Rules.

He didn’t show up.

Then during the workout, I also learned that Track Star isn’t getting enough protein in his diet. Apparently he needs 190g per day. That is, pun-intended, a SHIT TON of protein. I’ve never heard of such. Track Star is a fit but not huge dude, so I was naturally surprised by the advice he was given. But we didn’t spend too much time on that. The discussion quickly shifted to the impact all this protein is having on his digestive system and the gassy emanations which were on display for all to hear. The bad thing is, Track Star is fast. It was a bad day to be running behind him.

At 0530 we recited the pledge and ran directly into Salem Village. At the top of the hill at the intersection that all Das Boot’rs and Happy Dino enthusiasts know, we stopped and did some warm ups. Then we started running again til we got to the clubhouse then finished our warmup and did some stretching. Then turned around, ran back the way we came. Stopped on top of the same hill and did 25 burpees for breast cancer. Back to the school for a Partner Murph. Ran back to the flag and did a little bit of Mary.

2.45 miles

We had a good workout, and Yahoo took us out in prayer. Pleasure leading you HIMs this morning. See ya next time Bolton.

See also