The Rise of Netscape.


  • 2 Laps - Brisk jog around the famous pickle
  • 20 x Side Shuffle Hops
  • 20 x Hill Billies
  • 20 x Cotton Pickers
  • 20 x Shoulder Taps

Main Workout

We started out with an old fashion Indian Run - Two Lanes to the infamous Bridge. The heart of the work included a Bear Crawl to center of bridge, then followed by Lunges to the other end. 20 Merkins, then Lunges back to center of bridge, followed by a Bear Crawl and finished with 1 Jump Squat (Explosive Squat). Rinse and Repeat doing -1 Merkin and +1 Jump Squat (Explosive Squat) on each round. After 2 rounds, quickly realizing this workout was literally killing us, I called an audible to do a light Jog to the center, then Lunges to other end. Keeping up with the Merkins. Then another light Jog back to center of bridge, Bear Crawled to start, and finish with the Jump Squats.

Running out of time, I decided the guys had enough, we ditched the rest of the grueling workout and made a single file line, raising our legs up high over our heads and performed Balls To Walls as each man counted out to 5. Then followed by Chairs and each man counted to 5 one last time. finished with a nice Indian back to flag.

Mary - Cool Down

  • 15 x Dying Cockroaches
  • 15 x Boat / Canoes
  • Have a nice day.


Coming down from my VQ, I only remembered 2.

  • VQ week is NEXT WEEK!
  • WELCOME FNG Astro, not all workouts are that painful.


  • Special thanks to Joe Smith for all the help planning and all the rides to AO’s
  • Need to practice my IC counts, thanks for the patience.

See also