The reward of a thing well done, is to have done it.

100% of the pax were committed to Extra Credit this am: Sub for 4 mile solo run, Free Lunch and Pierogi for 1+ mile EC run in from home, YHC for ECP. Well done men

No extravagant plans today, more BRR inspiration.

Pax mosey to bottom of Weston Oaks Court for various warmup exercises and stretches. YHC now remembers to start Strava. Backwards run up the hill and then run to the top of Bexley Bluff Lane for directions:
-  15 curb dips and 20 dying cockroaches at top in the circle.
-  run to the bottom of Linton Banks Place
-  10 cc American hammers.
-  Run back to top, 80’ elevation gain.
-  AMRAP for time

Run to Black Creek Greenway, bypassing the Trail Closed signs, and back to the flag with stop at the bridge for 15 dips and merkins.

Various Mary exercises, finishing with a very silent, meditative, and respectful Have a Nice Day.

Announcements: Hot For Teacher launches Thursday at Olive Chapel E.S., TCP Sawgrass Sunday at 2pm.
Various prayers and praises. Pierogi was led to take us out.

Well done everyone. - Banjo

“The reward of a thing well done, is to have done it.” -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

See also