The return of an old favorite

I pulled in to Tortoise Wednesday morning - excited to lead the men who are always slow and controlled with purpose.  It has been a long time for me since I had visited tortoises but was excited to be back.  There was a collection of normal activity as we gathered to begin the workout- some folks doing EC pullups and Frisco doing something stupid (apparently he lost another bet that required him to wear a weighted vest during the workout).

Finally it was 5:30 and we were off - a slow jog around the top lot and down to the dumpster area where we congregated for warm up as follows - SSH, GM, Abe Vigoda, IW, SFAC (forward and reverse), Seal clap and overhead claps.  I wanted to make sure we got the shoulders good and loose.

Next we grabbed the cores and headed back to the church.  The first exercise was pulled deep out of the lexicon - 2 years ago - and I haven’t seen it for 1 1/2 years but EarharT mentioned the exercise on Monday so I thought i would break it out.  First exercise - Wonderbra.  (If you dont know, look it up in the exicon).  Next we did Peoples chair with 10 merkins down the line, and BTTW with 5 squats down the line.  Slow lap around the pickle then repeat the first three exercises.

Pax was a bit grumbley at this point so we circled up for curls, OH press, tricept extensions and rows.  We did 20 and 15 and 10.  Mixed in the middle - we did a 1/2 lap and a 1/2 lap of wheelbarrow with a partner - By doing two different laps - we managed to get both partners work.  After lap one - Parker was quite concerned that he wouldnt get a turn.  (Thanks to Theisman for the wheelbarrow suggestion during the warm up run - i asked several people for suggestions but he was the only one that offered something).  Following the core work, we did some fellowship run with our partners and eventually returned the cores.  Sadly - we were nearing the end of time so we circled up for Mary.

Mary consisted of Homer to Marge, Hello Dolly, and lots of WW2 situps.  I couldn’t stop the WW2 counting because it was hilarious to watch Frisco try to do them in his weighted vest.  I strongly recommend a reprisal of this if he ever puts it back on.

Times up - COT

Announcements - triple down, upcoming race (see parker or Monkey nut for details)

Thanks men for pushing me and allowing me to lead.

See also